When I was much larger I also had sleep apnoea, its not fun and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
Used to constantly dream that I was choking on chewing gum, which I imagine was how my unconscious mind was interpreting the difficulty I was having breathing.
Honestly the best thing you can do is shift the weight, I know its not as simple as that, but as much as things like the CPAP machine will help you're only treating the symptoms and not tackling the source of the problem.
I still snore the house down, or so I'm told, but there is a night and day difference between my energy levels now (even before I started training) and what they used to be. I remember when I was in my worst shape I would fall asleep playing Forza I was just so tired all the time.
As with before dude, anything I can do to help just ask, its all about baby steps, small lifestyle changes that you'll be able to maintain instead of a massive big bang change that you're not going to stick to.