Remember how I said it was done? I sorta lied.
For ages and ages now I have been drooling over the Lian Li Odyssey X. I don't care what Gamer's Nexus have said about it. Any way, I just haven't been able to muster up the amount of cash they cost (£400) due to everything shooting up in price. I guess I could have saved for it, but that would have meant waiting ages.
Today I woke up to find an extra £1300 in my bank account. And it is all totally legit. As such I caught up, sent my mother £300 for her holiday (I have paid half) and bought some clothes (boring, but sensible) and yeah, have just been sitting around all day contemplating buying crap. And then I remembered I really wanted a OX.
Had a look around but they have only dropped to £370. Whilst I now had more than enough cash I have always bought stuff based on price. I know for a fact the quality will be unmatched, because my 012 is absolutey incredible. And then it happened.
£220 on Ebay. Guy bought it, opened the box and never built into it.
As it happens I did not want the black one. Mostly because it is very dark. I also bought black/grey cable extensions, so yeah that was a no brainer.
It looks like this.
But I will not be running it that way. I want to run it as I am running the TUF now. Like this.
But with the glass closed. This gives me a great chance to fit the 850w PSU too, as I got impatient. I have it now. All seems to work perfectly, just a little dusty. So I can pull that apart and give it a nice clean.