Aye it is flat. Very clever in all honesty. Saves on packing lol.
I set to work earlier. I got up for a wee at around 9 after being awake for 4 hours in the night and the doorbell went. It was my "The world's most expensive pillow" I got so I didn't want to ignore it then chase it. Time I got back up the stairs was I quite awake. Typical. Still, I get to test out said pillow tonight !
Goodbye old friend. Until we meet again (we will one day. Strict instructions if it dies or turns into a potato I get it back). You can see the mat there. Very flat. It's decent quality tbh. I heard this cooler wasn't the best, but I have been very pleasantly surprised. It's very hot in here, and even overclocked it runs at 77c.
I was also correct to go with the reference card. I knew it would look the best by far. It has that black and silver class like the rest of the rig, and I wasn't wrong.
First boot.
Power it down and put cable ties in and put it back together.
See what I mean about the GPU? it literally sits in there like a chameleon. Lovely.
Srs cooling.
Finished for now. Found the Cooler Master software that customises the Radeon leds.
Literally all I need to do is put in a real RGB circle into the cooler pump. But I don't mind it that much for now. Certainly not the weather to be messing around with it, far too hot now.
I then got to taste TLOU at 4k. I did enable FSR, which works great in Dead Island 2 also. Just not on Nvidia GPUs lmao.
Stunning. Just, absolutely stunning. It is like playing a movie.