Amazing. Guess what arrived today.
Yes you got it, the B772 transistor.
Spent a little while messing around trying to figure out which resistors to use for Lo-Med-High.
With my High setting (2x510 ohm in parallel for 255 ohm) I found the resistors running to the switch to get pretty hot, that's because they are only 0.25W rated and I'm allowing 0.3W to pass through them. I will have to fix that. I'm thinking I might just go with 500 ohms, 1.5k and 3.2k as my settings. This'll allow for 0.4A, 0.2A and 0.1A of fans to work with good travel. That's capability to drive 2-4 fans, 1-2 fans and 1x <1500RPM fan down to 500-600RPM and up to near maximum speed.
The B772 gets mighty hot when I throw 0.5 Amps at it. It's only 6W total to the fans but the B772 needs to dissipate some of that energy as heat.
So I soldered a heatsink on it. I'm still using the little wires that I was throwing any PNP on I could find to test. Makes it easier to swap out.
You may wonder if that's actually a single brass picture hook but you'd be wrong, it's a heatsink, really it is.
It barely gets warm now.
The transistor has very limited surface to dissipate heat so this superbly designed heatsink really works well. Better than I expected actually.
I've also run some further tests with FET to Transistor and there's really nothing in it. The FET does allow slightly lower bottom end speed but it's so close it's not worth messing about. S8050 all the way from here I think.
So I'm closer to finished now. I have everything I need apart from the selector switches and possibly a male 4 pin Molex peripheral connector or two to power everything if it's needed. I should have a few of them on old fan splitters and stuff that I can use.
Next few minutes I get to fiddle I will change the resistors to the switch and retest the ranges.
I will also redo the board so it's thinner and longer, and possibly populate the selector resistors on the PCB, rather than have them on the cable.