
My theory.

They weren't built upwards.
They were carved out downwards.
The top of the pyramids is the original height of the plain that they're on.
Then they carved lines that look like blocks into the sides for defacations and giggles.
However wondrous they are, one has to admit there's something very off about how they managed to build them. Obviously Russian bots but how did an ancient civilisation afford them? Gonna need alibis off Putin, Trump and Farage STAT.
A fair bit of free time outside of crop growing seasons, no TV, no radio, no internet, but plenty of bright usable daylight with not much else to do ;)

It's not too different to how we "afford" a lot of big projects, they're considered of national importance so money/manpower is allocated to it and the raw materials were something they were used to using for other things.

Remember the Romans with not much better technology in many areas built things like huge aqueducts some of which are still here which technically were much more complex.

I think people tend to forget that if you're using the same materials even as an individual for long enough you get really good at knowing what you can do with them and how you work with them, when it becomes something your civilisation uses over centuries and you pass your skills on to the next generation it gets better and better, if just through collective trial and error.
There are stone masons today who can do amazing things with really "primitive" methods and tools, but most don't because doing it the "old way" takes years to learn and is very slow compared to modern methods, but if you're a nation state building monuments you don't tend to worry too much about the cost/manpower as long as you can maintain your armies/feed people (if anything such projects are good specifically because they do use such a large amount of manpower, giving employment and something to do to people who might otherwise have time to think and do such things as try and change the way things are).
My theory.

They weren't built upwards.
They were carved out downwards.
The top of the pyramids is the original height of the plain that they're on.
Then they carved lines that look like blocks into the sides for defacations and giggles.
100% this

Much easier to strip mine 100m from the entire continent.
My theory.

They weren't built upwards.
They were carved out downwards.
The top of the pyramids is the original height of the plain that they're on.
Then they carved lines that look like blocks into the sides for defacations and giggles.

I can see that I'll have to revise my CoD (carved out downwards) theory in light of insights offered by the members of the forum.
It was probably just space aliens.

Still makes more sense than the BoB (block on block) theory. Which would have been unworkable due to the number of cats in ancient Egypt.
Prove it!

if the Russan's are agreeing the US landed on the Moon there is either something very wrong, very right, or some illuminate conspiricy forcing the the US and Russia to work togeather..
it cant be the Illuminate, they don't exist Offically

Ah! ha!! prove it did not happen!!!
queen take pawn

i can imagine the first Egyptions were like :
"it fell of back truck,
i found it,
fusted it off,
look right pretty!,
it does,
sell it to you for a £1,
Ladies will go wild for it,
all cultured like,
talk'the town you be,
struttin your stuff,
not many people will be able to say they own a pyrimid!
i'm givin it ta ya at a bargin discount,
i'd normally sell it for £10,
but your a good mate,
so a £1 it is then?"
*gets ready to sparper quickly*
Carved or brought still makes no sense

When have vanity or religious projects and monuments made "sense", people have worked out a number of ways they could have been built, oddly enough most of the "impossible" aspects are only "impossible" if you don't take into account the resources of the time, or the way we've got documented examples of it being done on smaller scales.

The materials were basic, they had IIRC good transport links for shifting people and materials over long distances and we've got examples of the vessels they used, and there are examples of the progression of the pyramids including at least one "oopsie" that they didn't pull down indicating they were learning how to build bigger/more impressive.

There used to be a show on IIRC C4 or BBC2 where they would get together a bunch of historians specialising in the period, a bunch of engineers/builders/craftspeople and they'd try and work out (and ultimately demonstrate) how some of the "mysterious" and "fabled" structures could have been assembled using methods, tools and materials that they knew were present in the area at the time. It turned out that quite often the "impossible" was possible if you had experience and an understanding of what was being done, the problem was usually the level of manpower involved, but the Pharos had basically an entire country to call on.
This is before any consideration of the fact that we know we've lost a lot of skills and knowledge even from just a few hundred years ago in the West because people didn't record it, so the idea that "there wasn't a record of how they built them" in itself is meaningless as there are a load of things from the Roman times that we're only just learning now* and they kept fairly good records (I've seen archaeologists joking that "it's yet another roman villa" when talking about what they're doing this year).

IIRC it's the sort of reason that the likes of English Heritage keeps a list of "endangered skills", as although they're documenting them they know some things will be lost when the last people that currently do it die, unless they train replacements, and they know that we have lost the knowledge of how some really common things were done in the past (people don't tend to record something they do without thinking and are used to seeing every day).

*IIRC one of their concrete mixes was only recreated a few years back, and people keep finding a specific type of odd artifact that no one can agree what it was for as there aren't any records for it, except they do know it was fairly widespread as they've found examples all over the place.
This is so dumb. Why are we talking about this.

There are 100s of documentaries about these things that have gone into great detail of how they were made. When you have an entire population of slaves you can do anything
There are 100s of documentaries about these things that have gone into great detail of how they were made.
well honestly
1) its a lot more light heared then the recent "pedo" threads which have been charged and emotional
2) its just a bit or random fun were people can make of it what they want.
3) "i'm from the internet and i say "No you! your wrong"", i havent seen anything tells us how they did it, just how they think it was possibly done but no definitive anwsers.
if you have something i would actually gueninely be intested in it.
i watch one a few years back now of a group or people making a small scall down one and even that was difficault for them to do using the technology we think they had at the time.
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This is so dumb. Why are we talking about this.

There are 100s of documentaries about these things that have gone into great detail of how they were made. When you have an entire population of slaves you can do anything

Yeah pack it in guys, Neo says we should all watch a documentary and not discuss it any further.
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