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I assume you mean this?


That's the one.

IIRC there were a few others from various times that baffled the men who were trying to work out what they were, one of my favourites was the woman who basically rewrote the theory that Egyptians obviously wore head pieces with wigs because it wasn't possible to do hair that way with the equipment they had (ignore the fact there was never such an artifact as the wig found, but they did find various combs etc). The woman was a hairdresser who from memory spent several years by trail and error using very basic tools/equipment/materials they knew the Egyptians had to recreate the depicted styles.

if the Russan's are agreeing the US landed on the Moon there is either something very wrong, very right, or some illuminate conspiricy forcing the the US and Russia to work togeather..
it cant be the Illuminate, they don't exist Offically

Ah! ha!! prove it did not happen!!!
queen take pawn

Remember Russia made it into space first, so by this point the US had Russia over a barrel. If they didn't play along with the moon landing story, the US would have exposed them for hushing up the pictures they took of the giant turtle.
Hmm i hadn't considered the Turtle angle.... she really doesnt like her photos tanken and spread through the internets, especally with all those deepfakes now, theres no way she'd be court in that compromising positon! and we gotta respect the privacy to... it aint like the US and Ru are the paparazzi, they have morals and strick codes of honour (im.. not sure if im referencing the paparazzi or the US & RU.. but im sure some one will work it out and let me know)
well i assumed you were down stairs when writing. and ground floor to 1st fllevatedoor with bed hight is around 2.5m's..
so your now higher/elevated now from when you wrote your original post
At least that's what they want you to think

(I'm not actually a disbeliever, just trying to ignite some conspiracies :D)
your Clearly part of the Illuminarty who are being controlled by the Lizard men or Greys... i'm not sure which yet but im going to find out! You'za and Me'za are gonna have a little "chat" "you want good times yes? i gove good time yes yes"
other wise you wouldnt be trying to double misdirect us in to thinking you were a beliver.

the question you would ask your self is, if so many people are focused on finiding the "moon Lander" they arent looking for anything else. plus just becuase the "moon lander" is there (should it actually be there), it doesnt mean it was manned, or the occupants survived the process (it could equally be a tome). it could equally have been placed there by our overlords to mis direct the general publicas part of a decades long plan.
"information is power and if you only allow false information you have all the power"

i did come accross this :
and thought it some what interesting. but flored, from my basic understanding. still interestin concept.
i can think of a few reasons its a no going.

talks about hidden rivers along a large porton of the pyrimids also interesting and suspected.

i'd imaging a lot of techneques were not writen down (trade secrets and all that, or family traditions/secrets) and were only passed down hand to mouth so to speak.
but with such massive projects you would think some records of construction would have been passed down in one form or another, the construction techniques used in other builds.
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well i assumed you were down stairs when writing. and ground floor to 1st fllevatedoor with bed hight is around 2.5m's..
so your now higher/elevated now from when you wrote your original post
Your assumptions are incorrect I am afraid.
I am already higher than that....
The other thing is the ancient Egyptians simply MUST have had a version of LEGO in order to come up with the idea in the first place, as them having a version of Mincecraft would be absurd. So it must have been LEGO.
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