
27 Dec 2009
The other thing is the ancient Egyptians simply MUST have had a version of LEGO in order to come up with the idea in the first place, as them having a version of Mincecraft would be absurd. So it must have been LEGO.

And today's Freudian slip award goes to:

18 Oct 2002
I did say it would be absurd. Have you ever tried crafting anything out of mince? The best I can do is a meatloaf, which to be fair is *kind* of brick shaped, but simply lacks the structural integrity to go beyond, say, 3 layers? So again, LEGO confirmed.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
There does seem to be a lot of conspiracy theories about the pyramids at the moment. I mean I can understand how incredible it seems but didn't they do the carbon dating on them and proved they were as old as they should have been?
21 Jan 2010
There does seem to be a lot of conspiracy theories about the pyramids at the moment. I mean I can understand how incredible it seems but didn't they do the carbon dating on them and proved they were as old as they should have been?

Silbury Hill is a similar age, and a similar size to the pyramids.

Avebury Stone circle is also huge.

And the white horse at Uffington is both beautiful and awe inspiring.

Ancient people were capable of amazing things and had both vision and skill. We do them a disservice by assuming they were unable to undertake great works.

I highly recommend a visit to Avebury and Silbury Hill (only a few miles away) if you've never been there. Uffington's not far from there, and there is a big ring fort there, too.

As a filthy Welsh savage, all these places feel like part of my heritage.
21 Jan 2010
or arguably less technicall

I'm pretty sure Caradog from 2000BC would be better at construction than me.

Prehistoric people were no fools, and we have only hints of what they did.

Have you heard of the Chauvet cave? That is extremely skillfully done, and is around 30,000 years old.


Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I've been to the Giza Pyramids three times and walked around with archaeological experts.
Zahi Hawass ( ex Curator of Egyptian Antiquities) gets thousands of papers from people claiming how the Pyramids were built but he has only acknowledged one and wrote a forward in a book about it.
Look up the work of Jean-Pierre Houdin and his theory about an internal ramp, it makes 100% sense -

He also also found actual evidence of internal ramps at other Egyptian sites that you can see and Egyptian Builders still use the method today.
So basically they built on the inside and outside at the same time while going up an internal ramp then filled it in on the way down.
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Is it too late to point out that the Pyramids are not just located in Egypt.
Not at all.

Nor that a pyramid shape is pretty much the easiest way to make a huge, impressive monument that will last, assuming you don't build it on soft ground* and use a material like stone that doesn't rot out.

*IIRC at least one of the Egyptian Pyramids has a lean because of that issue, as did the Pyramid shaped Point in Milton Keynes for much the same reason (from memory about a year after it opened they realised they'd not built deep enough foundations and had to do remedial work before it got too bad, so it was very slightly off level).
22 Nov 2005
Cmon what the goannny here just not possible to build in them years..

Who knows probably Jeremy beadle but it is a mystery.
You also get the "we couldn;t lift that monolithic block today with modern technology"

Yea ofcourse because no modern building site crane could lift the weight :rolleyes: they aren't designed for massive loads they would never have to lift.

that could move like 2000 pyramid blocks at a time and it's not even designed for the job.
about 1500 trips back and fourth and its done.
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16 Aug 2009
There does seem to be a lot of conspiracy theories about the pyramids at the moment. I mean I can understand how incredible it seems but didn't they do the carbon dating on them and proved they were as old as they should have been?
"at the moment"? They've been doing the rounds since King Tut at least. Theres never been a shortage of gullible misled or plain bonkers people who will believe any nonsense fed to them. I mean look at the Covid thread.

Is it too late to point out that the Pyramids are not just located in Egypt.
"The" pyramids most people refer to the pyramids on the Giza plateau though they exist elsewhere in the world for the very simple reason they're the easiest shape to keep stable if you don't have mortar to bind the stones together and neither the Mayans nor the ancient Egyptians did its simply friction that holds the shape together

*IIRC at least one of the Egyptian Pyramids has a lean because of that issue, as did the Pyramid shaped Point in Milton Keynes for much the same reason (from memory about a year after it opened they realised they'd not built deep enough foundations and had to do remedial work before it got too bad, so it was very slightly off level).
The Bent Pyramid, aye. The egyptian desert is littered with their mistakes people look at the Great Pyramid and think "wow how did they create something so amazing out of nowhere?" but they didn't it was a process of suck it and see and the latter is simply the culmination of everything they learnt
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
The Bent Pyramid, aye. The egyptian desert is littered with their mistakes people look at the Great Pyramid and think "wow how did they create something so amazing out of nowhere?" but they didn't it was a process of suck it and see and the latter is simply the culmination of everything they learnt

It was Aliens :)
Yes it took about 1000 pyramids (exaggeration) to finally get some to stand up proper but it's still Aliens :)
I've been lucky to stand inside Khufu's and Khafre's pyramids twice.
I've also been inside the Red Pyramid & Saqqara and stood at the base of the Bent Pyramid and anybody who thinks these were built by Aliens need their heads checking.
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16 Aug 2009
Silbury Hill is a similar age, and a similar size to the pyramids.

Avebury Stone circle is also huge.

And the white horse at Uffington is both beautiful and awe inspiring.

Ancient people were capable of amazing things and had both vision and skill. We do them a disservice by assuming they were unable to undertake great works.

I highly recommend a visit to Avebury and Silbury Hill (only a few miles away) if you've never been there. Uffington's not far from there, and there is a big ring fort there, too.

As a filthy Welsh savage, all these places feel like part of my heritage.
I've been to all those places and they're amazing. The roman road that passes near Silbury the surveyors clearly used it as a sight mark as it heads directly towards it yet veers off at the last moment they probably decided it wasn't worth the effort of levelling it a lucky escape
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