Quake 4

26 Jul 2004
I heard some people say that the single player was poor and the online was awful. Well, i took the dive and for £20 im not moaning one bit!.

On my 6800NU, graphics on high, 1280x1024 no AA or AF, the game looks beautiful! Plays sweet too! I was expecting some kind of crawl, at least until i upgrade my comp.

Began the single player and am loving it. The whole getting captured and half transformed into a strog was wicked, loved it.

Am i the only person who actually likes the single player?...

I have no idea how far I am into it, but i just keep going around going oooooooo. I played HL2 on high, 12x10, it was fine but no scratch on this.
I found the single player side of the game to be utterly fantastic. Except for the tank part ofcourse, but it can be forgiven for that ;p

£20? You were ripped off, I'm sure it can still be had for <£10.

Anyway, It's quite a good single player game, and the graphics are superb in my opinion, and lighting and shadow systems are far far superior to HL2, though the physics and some other mechanics are a little lacking.

Multiplayer is great, and is very similar to Quake 3 Arena multiplayer, so I loved it, but there are far too few people online to actually play against, as it pretty much has no community compared to the other games out there.
DaveyD said:
£20? You were ripped off, I'm sure it can still be had for <£10.
Multiplayer is great, and is very similar to Quake 3 Arena multiplayer, so I loved it, but there are far too few people online to actually play against, as it pretty much has no community compared to the other games out there.

Yeah £20 is abit steep now, its easily picked up for £14. Ive only played Mulitplayer a few times and just got my arse kicked everytime. im ok with the rail gun tho
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Single player was OK, but not fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as HL2, IMO :)

MP is fantastic, but as said, nobody plays. All to busy playing girlie games like BF2 and CS ;)

A great all-rounder tho and can be had for a bargain price if you hunt around...
Your not alone my friend, i also loved the single player. I also liked the tank bits, made a refreshing change to just running about. I didnt like the game as much as doom 3 and its defo no HL2 but still a really good game to play. I also like the MP game but there is a serious lack of people playing the game online that kinda ruins it.

i got it for £20 ages ago, just never got round to playing it, WOW, CSS, HL2, etc..

Graphically i think its better than hl2 :rolleyes: maybe its just me. I didn't think the tank part was hard :confused:
Nucleo said:
i got it for £20 ages ago, just never got round to playing it, WOW, CSS, HL2, etc..

Graphically i think its better than hl2 :rolleyes: maybe its just me. I didn't think the tank part was hard :confused:
I dont think it looks better than HL2, maybe its because its not really interesting surroundings :confused: . One think i did like was the lighting, if you look at the beam from your team mates gun torch you can see dust floating about, a nice touch i thought. No i didnt find the tank bits hard either.

dude half your posts must be in that font size.. do you have trouble expressing yourself?? stop it ffs

as for quake 4... I've been playing it today, just been stroggified.. I think its wicked, just the right level of difficulty to keep someone as easily bored as myself involved.
haha, Im not comparing the gameplay to HL2. HL2 is way too versatile compared to Q4. I was merely comparing the graphics ;) I just think they have nailed the right kind of atmosphere and gameplay.

Aint even tried the multiplayer yet =x
Yeah, the single player wont win any awards for originality or anything like that, but I found it good fun, and is pretty much a no brainer, shoot, kill, continue.

Came out the same time as FEAR, though FEAR should have been the far better game, and many do consider it better, I found I could sit down and enjoy Quake 4 easily, no hassle, and I just couldn't get into the repetitiveness that was the entire FEAR game.

Multiplayer Quake 4 is something you have to get used to if you've not played Q1/Q2/Q3/UT deathmatch modes before, if you have, it's good simple fun, rockets to their feet, rails through their chest, grenades off the walls, shotgun to the face etc :p
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