Quake 4

DaveyD said:
Came out the same time as FEAR, though FEAR should have been the far better game, and many do consider it better, I found I could sit down and enjoy Quake 4 easily, no hassle, and I just couldn't get into the repetitiveness that was the entire FEAR game.

Yeap FEAR = Borefest, didnt even get 50% through it got to bored, Quake 4, fab :D
Actually, although the graphics on Q4 are excellent the sky/cloud graphics are total pants. It really detracts from the atmosphere when you're outside and there's this ugly, low res, grainy, static thing up there :(
Curio said:
Actually, although the graphics on Q4 are excellent the sky/cloud graphics are total pants. It really detracts from the atmosphere when you're outside and there's this ugly, low res, grainy, static thing up there :(

Yeah, a lot of the outdoor levels look pants to me, especially the vehicle/turret based things, but the engine is capable of good stuff, as we should see with Quake Wars. But the engine is fantastic at indoor things, with lots of atmospheric lighting.
Lol. I've just started playing this again. I'm up to the part where you get the railgun. I thought the tank bit was OK. My favorite bit so far and most impacting, was the brutallity they put you through to turn you into a strogg. I wondered why it was an 18 certificate til i reached that bit :p lol. Maybe im just squeemish. :confused:
-Tauren- said:
Lol. I've just started playing this again. I'm up to the part where you get the railgun. I thought the tank bit was OK. My favorite bit so far and most impacting, was the brutallity they put you through to turn you into a strogg. I wondered why it was an 18 certificate til i reached that bit :p lol. Maybe im just squeemish. :confused:

no way mate, i was thinking the exact same thing. I was sat there holding my breath like :eek:

Thats the sort of thing i like in a game, For it to ship you along without any knowledge of what is to come... and having some poor sap before you on the conveyor belt while you watch :eek:
Nucleo said:
no way mate, i was thinking the exact same thing. I was sat there holding my breath like :eek:

Thats the sort of thing i like in a game, For it to ship you along without any knowledge of what is to come... and having some poor sap before you on the conveyor belt while you watch :eek:

**************MAYBE POSSIBLE SPOILER***********

Haha. I shouldn't laugh, as i was like "oh god, poor marine... wtf? its me next!? :eek: poor Matt kane :eek: " :p That was an excellent bit of storyline. Then the part where all your marine buddies bust you out of there. And sickened by the sight of you being strogg.
I know i was thinking haha he will struggle loose any second...hmm his buddys will stop the machine.. WTF i must have had to defeat that boss and now this is like a death sequence :eek: . I liked the little touches like as soon as that chip gets implanted into your head the monitor on the wall suddenly becomes readable.

Such an under rated game. I love becoming strogg and being able to read everything on the monitors and stuff. Shame the real strogg dont get confused and hesitate fragging you though eh :D lol. I can feel that saw cutting through me everytime i play that sequence or think about it. :(
Turbanation said:
Memphis said:
If that's all you can contribute, kindly remove yourself from the forum, ta.
pegasus1 said:
Go to bed, youve school in the morning
DaveyD said:
Well, there is, but depends how much Davey_Pitch is in the mood for slapping trolls to be honest ;)

Why r you guys flaming me I only said half life is the greatest fps ever. How about I get quotes from IGN, Gamespot and PC Gamer reassuring this fact.

Why u guys h8 half life so much u cant bare it when sum1 says its the best f'in fps ever.

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Turbanation said:
Why r you guys flamimg me I only said half life is the greatest fps ever. How about a get quotes from IGN, Gamespot and PC Gamer reassuring this fact.

Why u guys h8 half life so mch u cant bare it when sum1 says its the best f'in fps ever.

Everyone has their own opinions. :)
Turbanation said:
Why r you guys flamimg me I only said half life is the greatest fps ever. How about a get quotes from IGN, Gamespot and PC Gamer reassuring this fact.

Why u guys h8 half life so mch u cant bare it when sum1 says its the best f'in fps ever.
No one hates half life, but you don't see people invading threads irrelevantly with size 500 font saying "OMG XXXXXX IS THE BEST GAME EVER" - it stinks of idiocy
OCdt Stringy said:
No one hates half life, but you don't see people invading threads irrelevantly with size 500 font saying "OMG XXXXXX IS THE BEST GAME EVER" - it stinks of idiocy

Agreed. A sensible post saying why you personally think half life 2 is better would have been a better approach to be honest.
Quake 3 for me beats HL2.

HL2 is a great game, yes, but it only took me a couple of days to complete and I have not picked it up since.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein I have played through probably 100x now, without crosshairs pulling of headshots with the sniper rifle, just love the game and the engine it is based on.

HL2 is great, but I do not think it ever lived up to any review I read as I think they all beleived the hype to much.
Rebel=UK= said:
If anyone is up for a multiplayer game sometime put a time here and we could meet up for a game.
Now thats an idea - I know ppl like me and DaveyD will be up for that - though please lets do some CTF :p

Q4 MPs is nothing on Q3s TBH - but its a fairly good go - still too many annoying little bugs to iron out (like higher jumps when you go up a gradient :p)

ps3ud0 :cool:
iBot said:
What is this?

I played Q4 singleplayer up till the bit where u enter an arena and have to fight multiple enemies, with no cover; and only 2 strogg health replenishers. Even while the enemies arent that hard alone, I seem to get overwhelmed by the fact that each one takes so long to kill and those flying half-bodies which fire homing missles are just a PITA.

I think Ive got it on medium and the rest of the game was a walk though in comparison. Only the part when u get in a mechanical exo-skeleton and have to fight a giant squid I found taxing till I learned that you had rockets too.
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