Quake 4

I'm quite suprised how well it all runs for me..

1600x1200 high quality, everything on (except aa which I thought was on and never noticed being off until I took some screenshots lol) just played with FRAPS and it barely dips below 60fps on an x2 3800 and x1900xt both at stock.

Hoping a bit of clocking (well, a lot of clocking.. all going under water and with phase the cpu was good for 3.1 :D) will allow me to run with 2 or 4x aa and I'll be happy.. Well chuffed with getting shot of my sli'ed 7800gtxs, I thought high res gaming was beyond single card solutions, goes to show you shouldn't believe all you read ;)
Turbanation said:
I am personally offended by pegasus's remark.

You cant compare Half Life with Quake.

Then why post a silly trolly giant font reply? I agree Half-Life series is amazing, but the post wasn't really needed.

matt100 said:
I'm quite suprised how well it all runs for me..

1600x1200 high quality, everything on (except aa which I thought was on and never noticed being off until I took some screenshots lol) just played with FRAPS and it barely dips below 60fps on an x2 3800 and x1900xt both at stock.

Hoping a bit of clocking (well, a lot of clocking.. all going under water and with phase the cpu was good for 3.1 :D) will allow me to run with 2 or 4x aa and I'll be happy.. Well chuffed with getting shot of my sli'ed 7800gtxs, I thought high res gaming was beyond single card solutions, goes to show you shouldn't believe all you read ;)

It's a very well designed engine, well, you don't really get bad engines from ID though, good old legen Carmack.




I don't really get chance to play many games but Quake (except areane.. don't do multiplayer) has been one of my all time faves since quake 1 and the mission packs like dissolution of eternity etc.. anyone remember voors and shamblers? ;)
I'll be up for some Quake 4 sessions later in the week, I've got to move my PC back home from uni, and then reformat, install everything again. Will be fun.
Turbanation said:
any1 know any good servers?

time to own DaveyD ! :D cant wait

I'll still put up a good fight, not played for a while, but I'm not too bad, and being a QW(less so)/Q2/Q3A veteran, I can hold my own ;)
Sorry if this has been mentioned in this post, didnt see it but then I did skip through. Quake 4 is now available new for 7.99 from a certain popular online shop, cant say where obviously, dont wanna get in trouble with the guv. I just ordered GUN for the same price from there also.
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Quakes good but in my own opinion it isn't a patch on HL2.

The only reason I say that is because I like a bit of story behind the things I play, and Quake hasn't really had one and still doesn't (Quake 4 only really makes a small attempt at it :P).
This is probably the reason why I like games like Final Fantasy as well, I play that just to get the story more than anything.
Well i cant make it unless its after 7:30 :p lol as thats when i finish work, everyday -_-; but other than that i should be able to make it, unless im out with mates.
Corran said:
Quakes good but in my own opinion it isn't a patch on HL2.

The only reason I say that is because I like a bit of story behind the things I play, and Quake hasn't really had one and still doesn't

Now that made me laugh. Half Life 2's story revolves around a mute scientist doing whatever he's told with only the vaguest idea why he's doing it.

You don't really sound like you've played more than a few minutes of Quake 4.
Corran said:
Quakes good but in my own opinion it isn't a patch on HL2.

The only reason I say that is because I like a bit of story behind the things I play, and Quake hasn't really had one and still doesn't (Quake 4 only really makes a small attempt at it :P).
This is probably the reason why I like games like Final Fantasy as well, I play that just to get the story more than anything.

Quake has got a great storyline and Quake IV especially is quite possibly the most immersive yet
I love the MP in Quake 4, but then again I've always been into the Quake MP's more than any other. I've tried CS:S and BF2 but could never really get into it. Tis unfortunate though that there aren't many people on Quake MP. I'm sick of playing against the same people on some of the servers I play on :D
Anyone know of any decent servers to play on?
I used to play Q4 fairly regularly but the utterly dead servers kind of put me off after a while :/

I'm considering getting back into it, but only on the condition that servers actually have players...

I have to say that I loved Quake, Half Life 2 and FEAR - I guess I must be crazy for not hating one and loving another ;)
Sleepery said:
Now that made me laugh. Half Life 2's story revolves around a mute scientist doing whatever he's told with only the vaguest idea why he's doing it.

You don't really sound like you've played more than a few minutes of Quake 4.

Played the lot and to me it is just a marine who landed on a planet to fight the strogg and then gets turned into one.

Half life 2 has more going on in the background that they haven't explained yet and that is what I am waiting for and why I am still playing it.

Quake is just a run and gun game, more like a classic FPS (not that there is anything wrong with that).

I did like the way they linked Quake 1 and 2 in with the game though, even if it was only just at the start :).

Everyone has their own opinion and that's mine. ;)
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