Quake 4

i can help you guys out, if you need to know things about Q4 in general.

You are best to have the latest version of Q4max, and xbattle at all times. It is best to have a clean version of each of these, and the way to do this is....every time you get a new version of for example xbattle, rename the current folder called 'battle' ro 'batteold' or whatever you want, or delete it out right. then move the new battle folder into the Q4 directory. For public servers though, often baseQ4 is all you need, and whatever maps that server has.

Right now, there is no active Q4ctf pickup. The main channel was #q4ctfpickup on irc. About a month ago it kind of died. There is a new point release (patch) 1.3 in the works. It should hopefully come out within the next few weeks-2 months. There is also a new mod in development called delta ctf. This mod has a high profile team of modders behind it, and is attemtping to basically recreate Q2ctf in Q4, so it is a grapple mod, and has movement enhancements to make it a better game. This is the only real chance of Q4ctf, or Q4 in general getting popular, if this becomes a successful mod. Yet to wait and see.
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