Quake 4

DaveyD said:
Anybody up for some Quake 4 then? I'll just post some random server in a min and be on it.
Soz mate - just got in - next time perhaps :)

Like to make it a regular thing...

If anyone is interested stick their name in here with say either msn msgr/xfire/Q4 name id - least we can chase when we next time set up a game then :)

ps3ud0 :cool:
I'm off to again for some late night fraggery, will be on xfire (in sig)
[Quakemas map pack required I believe for some parts]
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I'll be around more when I get my bios chip back on my motherboard. Well up for games with you guys. Surely the easiest way is for all players to put "ocuk" as your clan in the settings? Then we can just search on that in game. (as i don't use Xfart :p )
I poped in for a couple of games last night, my name is mark on quake believe it or not lol. DaveyD your a dab hand with the rail gun :D , i think i got you with a shotgun at one point. I need a lot more practice as ive been playing CSS a lot so not used to all the jumping and firing etc.

warren_1979 said:
Hi All. Whats better, Doom 3 or Quake 4, as I'm thinking of getting one cheap.

Personally, I thought Doom3 single player was vastly superior in every way - although I get creeped out by games quite easily :) Quake4 is OK, but very "paint-by-numbers" fps action. It does have fantastic multiplayer tho - worth the price alone.
I really liked Quake 4, enjoyed the frantic playing style of it. Beefy weapons good atmosphere and the team mates really help move things along. Some decent vehicle sections too

Although I really did like Doom to start with it did get a bit repetitive and the scare factor did fade pretty fast.

Both good games though.
Doom 3 rocks with EAX enabled, you can hear screams coming through the walls and pipes being banged etc, really frieky through headphones and adds to the atmosphere in the game. I thought it was an excellent game and ploughed through it, i liked the PDA's and read them all, nice to know the background of the zombie your about to kill :cool: .

I'll probably be playing again tonight round midnight if anybody wants to join again, bit late, but I'm doing roadie duties for my brothers bands gig tonight :p
DaveyD said:
I'll probably be playing again tonight round midnight if anybody wants to join again, bit late, but I'm doing roadie duties for my brothers bands gig tonight :p
Should be around too - grab me on Xfire to remind me when youre in - should get you into CTF ;)

Be nice to have a OcUK CTF Clan :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
DaveyD said:
We're off to

Stick an OcUK tag on if any do bother to come at this quiet hour.
Yeah comon you wimps :p - where are you Rebel :D

EDIT: Well that was 2hrs of good fun - damn that DaveyD is a bot with that rail - hopefully got a CTF convert :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Was a bit short notice otherwise i would have joined and taught yous a lesson again, next time yous want to play ill join.

EDIT: i remeber on quake 3 they used to be rail servers 1v1 and u had to wait your turn to play the winner of that round, can u do that on quake 4 aswell? it was a space map aswell.
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