Quantum Break PC version confirmed!

Interested to hear first impressions on performance - anyone have any luck - although I know we have no real point of reference given its does not support FPS counters AFAIK
£49.99 hurt even though I have £32 credit on my cc :( Looks like MS really do not want this game to succeed on PC they never ever have sales on their store content so that's the price for years to come :(

I will report back later its currently downloading @ 77Mb.
35gb and counting! I havnt been this eager to play a game in ages and its fallen nicely as Ive just finished off the Fallout DLC and my yearly play through of Mirrors Edge
£50 is a lot of a game, i'm going to hold out for now till it becomes cheaper.

Wait for a sale is my advice. It's an okay game for general gamers, and above average for adventure/story type gamers.

Shooting/Cover mechanics are basic, it is more like an interactive decent Netflix show.
Im not expecting it to be the best game ever but its nice to be part of playing a game at launch. I think zeitgeist may be the word Im looking for?

500mb left!!!!
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