Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

Is the Queen been embalmed or is the coffin empty? Surely her body has to be kept cold, can't be good for the body spending all this time out and about in relatively warm weather.

The Coffin weighs a quarter ton apparently because its lead sealed, so far as I know they wont be altering anything now except putting it into the ground on Monday.
I happened to look this up because I was curious how much it weighed after seeing the pallbearers having to hold half a bicep curl as they placed it into the hearse. They lined the coffin (casket?) with lead to seal it. It helps to preserve the body for longer and stops any smell getting out, since she isn't being buried underground.
The media have not mentioned this. Deliveries to supermarkets will continue during 19th Sept. So some staff are required to fill shelves etc.

Also expect to see some gaps in fresh and produce in a week’s time as if a distributor closes for a day, the delivery cycle extends by a day. So please don’t complain to shop staff about this.
The media have not mentioned this. Deliveries to supermarkets will continue during 19th Sept. So some staff are required to fill shelves etc.

Also expect to see some gaps in fresh and produce in a week’s time as if a distributor closes for a day, the delivery cycle extends by a day. So please don’t complain to shop staff about this.
Why are you always shirking your responsibilities?
I'm pretty sure that if I cheered and whooped at a friends funeral as the hearse drove in, nobody there would ever speak to me again.
And I'm pretty sure the sub 100 people that make it to your funeral will respect your wishes, but it's quite a diverse group of at least 4bn people who will mourn in their own way.
I'm pretty sure that if I cheered and whooped at a friends funeral as the hearse drove in, nobody there would ever speak to me again.
Unless they say please cheer at my coffin.

Never been to a funeral where the congregation are asked not to wear black, dress in their favourite colour or wear football shirts. Is the funeral less somber?
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