Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

Yes I don't understand how people can feel proud in themselves from the actions of others, I feel proud in things I do myself

It's a great spectacle but I can also understand why people may not think so because it is steeped in archaic tradition and imperialism
And isn't it glorious, a true gift to the whole world. The British shaped the modern world.
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the last post - nimrod , too much significance to use today

Would take you best part of an hour even with a motorcade surely - helicopters like for incoming ... are they on any flight records.

radio 4 commentary on the crowds not onlookers, not bystanders, theyre participantscameramen how many terabytes ?
people at the palace roundabout/victoria memorial looked better behaved.
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What’s the piece of music which is used for Rememebrance Sunday and some of the marching

If you mean the score which has been played since she left the Abbey, it’s Beethoven’s Funeral March I believe ?

(And it always gets me. That’s the point I started blubbering). Brings a chill thinking of the wars.
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The weather has actually played ball amazingly well over the last 10 days. Didn't even rain in Scotland!

Would have been miserable stood in that queue in torrential rain all night.

Even the day she past the skys opened up and gave us a rainbow. Honestly today it finally sank in what we all lost and sad for people that didn't grow up while she was alive and seen how she was. One of my strongest memories as child was a school trip to see the Queen when she opened the Humber Bridge, we lived in Hull then and was so nice to see her as a child and she even took the time to allow all of us to see her.

We are sadly coming to an end of an era for many things for people in my age group and loosing all the things we respect and care about slowly in time, when they mentioned she died I was in a little shock and didn't believe it at first and then remembered only a few days ago when she met our new prime minister I had the thought of how frail she looked and every time I see her doing her duties at her age I'm proud of her being our good British symbol.

She now gets to rest with her mother,husband and family. She did what she promised us all and did her duties to the end.

Will be sad when they change our currency, stamps and passports.
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