Queen Elizabeth II has passed away - keep posts civil and respectful

It doesn't look good.

Isn't there some kind of plan that gets mentioned every so often of what happens when the Monarch dies? I think there is going to be a period of mourning.

The Queen is like the nations Grandmother. She's stood above the Monarch system. It won't be the same without her. It'll be a different world. A break from the past.
It doesn't look good.

Isn't there some kind of plan that gets mentioned every so often of what happens when the Monarch dies? I think there is going to be a period of mourning.

The Queen is like the nations Grandmother. She's stood above the Monarch system. It won't be the same without her. It'll be a different world. A break from the past.
London Bridge, or something.
Operation London Bridge if she’s in England but Operation Unicorn if she’s in Scotland or so I’ve read. She’ll be sorted out with Scottish pageantry and procedures before moving to London.
Is there a chance she's already gone?
Very much so. Political leaders around the world (Commonwealth) are all informed, strict media blackout until the Palace release the news. You'll see all BBC channels announce it simultaneously, so just stick BBC One on.
Just last night I said to my girlfriend, that I got the feeling she might not be with us much longer. More frequent stories about her being in discomfort etc.
I am no monarchist, but I do have a huge amount of respect for her and her dedication. I will be sad indeed to see her go :(
I don’t see why European football fixtures would be cancelled

Cant see why any fixtures should be cancelled tbh European or otherwise - but thats just me I guess.

Sad yes but shes 96 and by no means is everyone a Royalist or going to be in deep mourning that they cant find the energy to attend a football match but no doubt we all have to pretend for the next few weeks.
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