Quit Smoking

20 Oct 2002
London, UK
As of 1st March (*Ash* Wednesday HAR HAR! ;)) I have completely quit smoking (was on about 20-30 a day), and now the cravings are starting to get unbearable!

Its not so much that I think I need the nicotine, but I miss so much the feeling of the smoke going down my throat as well as the action of sparking up and sucking on the wee ciggy, perhaps its the nicotine which makes those actions feel so nice, but whatever it is, and as strange as it sounds, all I want is some sort of tube with smoke to suck on!

Anyone else had similar feelings about quitting smoking?

I've come close to just having that one ciggy which "surely wouldnt make any difference"... except its that one ciggy which is exactly what I'm quitting. I just keep telling myself that so it stops me from having one, and that has worked so far :)

But take me into a chilled room, give me a straw, and let me pretend I'm smoking by being able to see my exhaled breath... pathetic as it sounds, I reckon that would satisfy me somewhat :D
All I can say is keep it up!

I just stopped on the 4th, and when I woke up today I REALLY wanted a cigerette on the drive to work...

I didnt have one though... for the same reasoning as you \o/
One year, two months, five days, 22 hours, 45 minutes and 17 seconds. 8598 cigarettes not smoked, saving £2,076.65. Life saved: 4 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours, 30 minutes.

What can I say? It gets easier, stick with it.

A few weeks from now you'll notice that smokers smell like %^&* and you'll appreciate not being so smelly.

As usual I recommend the Allen Carr books "Easy way to stop smoking" etc.
They work not by scaring you or bullying you but by simply asking you to ask yourself the right questions about why you smoke. Pretty soon you wonder why you do it and then you don't look back.
da_mic_1530 said:
one of my mates is going cold turkey on the smoking thing, no patches or anything, they have taken to everytime they get a craving to go for a drive in their car.

I went Cold Turkey. I've quit 3 times now doing it that way. 1st time lasted 3 years then life went belly up and I restarted. Second time I just never got to grips with it, lasted 2 weeks then someone nicked my car and I said "grrr $%% it" I'll quit next year.
I quit just over a year ago, thrid time lucky and all that. Don't miss them at all now, don't like the smell of it at all.
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VIRII said:
I went Cold Turkey. I've quit 3 times now doing it that way. 1st time lasted 3 years then life went belly up and I restarted. Second time I just never got to grips with it, lasted 2 weeks then someone nicked my car and I said "$%% it"
I'll quit next year.

I went cold turkey nearly 16 months ago and I've not touched a cigarette since. I quit on the spur of the moment walking to work. I threw 30 fags down the drain. I've heard that quitting this way is meant to be more successful, something to do with you being ready to stop. I don't want to smoke anymore and never crave cigarettes but I think about them from time to time so I can understand that even after 3 years you can start again.

I don't think I ever will start again though because I have come to realise how much they make you smell and how bad they make you feel after a night out. Yuk!
Heofz said:
As of 1st March (*Ash* Wednesday HAR HAR! ;)) I have completely quit smoking (was on about 20-30 a day), and now the cravings are starting to get unbearable!

Its not so much that I think I need the nicotine, but I miss so much the feeling of the smoke going down my throat as well as the action of sparking up and sucking on the wee ciggy, perhaps its the nicotine which makes those actions feel so nice, but whatever it is, and as strange as it sounds, all I want is some sort of tube with smoke to suck on!

Anyone else had similar feelings about quitting smoking?

I've come close to just having that one ciggy which "surely wouldnt make any difference"... except its that one ciggy which is exactly what I'm quitting. I just keep telling myself that so it stops me from having one, and that has worked so far :)

But take me into a chilled room, give me a straw, and let me pretend I'm smoking by being able to see my exhaled breath... pathetic as it sounds, I reckon that would satisfy me somewhat :D

I gave up on new years day and i still haven't put one single cigarette in my mouth since then. I was using 15mg patches to start of with, but after about 6 weeks of using them i kept forgetting to put it on sometimes until i just didn't bother using them anymore. I'm still not using them, but i must admit i did used to get really bad cravings a could have easily put one in my mouth but i didn't. I used to smoke atleast 20 a day and now i can go into pubs with a load of people that smoke and it doesn't bother me one bit. Well....except for the smell lol. So just keep telling yourself you can do it and your get through it mate i reckon its just willpower at the end of the day. Good luck :)
wooo :)

Just got back from my Gym, the Steam in the steam room was nice :D

Makes my lungs feel so refreshed and clean, I don't really want to spoil it now with a ciggy :)
Good work on quiting like that. Takes some strong will power i guess.

I've never smoked myself. I've tried it but found it disgusting. I don't see whats so great about filling your lungs with smoke and tar. It doesn't sound very nice either when i hear my dad coughing his lungs up every morning due to smoking.

Keep it up :)
ex smoker here, gave up last september, have found it really easy tbh, was a 20-30 a day smoker for 14 years and quit on a whim, i was smoking my last ciggie and really evaluated it whilst smoing it, and it tasted like crap and i asked myself, why do i enjoy the horrible taste of it, and that was it. now i always have quite a bit of spare cash in my wallet :D, i never before.

Good luck, just convince yourself it's easy, and remember, you are not 'giving up' anything, you are gaining back your life, your health and a shedload of money :)
!!!!!READ THIS!!!. (if u start to get cravings)
this works. i made a couple of people stop smoking

just imagine everyone is unhappy of people smoking
everyones looking at you smoke with a real evil, unpleasant eye.
a hundred maybe a thousand eyes pointing at you. and in there minds there saying " disgusting little ******. i would hate to be his friend. etcetc".
just imagine it...
never mind the fags being unhealthy. health threatens never help people quit.

well thats it i guess. just keep imagining and you will be fine. gd luck
jpmonkey seems very quiet - are you still quit or have you failed miserably?

I wonder if wanton is reading this .... are you there mate ....
Good luck with it matey. Lots of my friends have given up and they all say that it's the best thing they have ever done and feel a lot better for it. It's not easy, but apparently once you've done the first few weeks it gets a lot easier. All the best and keep it up! :)

(I'm just jealous really, well done all of you!)
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