Quit Smoking

VIRII said:
You'll quit when you want to.

Definitely. To be completely honest I can feel it creeping ever closer. I've been considering it more and more recently but I'm pretty feeble willpower-wise - I won't be able to give up until something in me clicks and I finally think 'right, this is it', and I think that moment's well on its way to happening.
Mohinder said:
Definitely. To be completely honest I can feel it creeping ever closer. I've been considering it more and more recently but I'm pretty feeble willpower-wise - I won't be able to give up until something in me clicks and I finally think 'right, this is it', and I think that moment's well on its way to happening.

I know we pimp the Allen Carr books a lot but they are certainly worth a read. Why not get one out from the library and have a little read of it every now and then and then perhaps some months down the road you'll have a revelation and just quit. If it helps then don't think of it as quitting think of it as being too damn lazy to go to the shops.
VIRII said:
I know we pimp the Allen Carr books a lot but they are certainly worth a read. Why not get one out from the library and have a little read of it every now and then and then perhaps some months down the road you'll have a revelation and just quit. If it helps then don't think of it as quitting think of it as being too damn lazy to go to the shops.

That's a good idea, I may have to purchase it.

Don't start bullying me yet though, I'm not ready! I'll be sure to let you know when to start the nagging though :D
Mohinder said:
That's a good idea, I may have to purchase it.

Don't start bullying me yet though, I'm not ready! I'll be sure to let you know when to start the nagging though :D

Hehehe :)
Quit smoking 5 weeks ago now, and feel all the better for it. After going to the pub at the weekend, found that my clothes stink of fags, never noticed that before when I was smoking, smells horrible.

Just got to convince the gf to stop smoking now, although a lot of people told me I would be able to taste the fags on her when I kiss her, I have to admit I have not noticed that at all.

And as for how to quit smoking, I didnt take any nicotine patches or anything, I jsut stopped, well actually I caught i throat infection that put me in hospital for 2 days unable to talk, eat or breath very well, so I did have a bit of help. lol
Cant help thinking this is a thread of self righteous ex smokers the ones who have an air of superiority because "they have given up smoking" well great for you. However I fail to see what business it is of anyones if people decide to smoke or not it is there life and there decision. lets face it in 10 years time there will still be people smoking, yes many will regret having started but some actually enjoy it ! and yes some may say well they would wouldn't they as it is one of the most powerful drugs known to man

Well tell me this how many people are affected or take cocaine, amphetamines, or marijuana all these are powerful drugs and in the case of cocaine cause more human misery than anything else its a fact that the use of cocaine is on the increase due to the ever decreasing prices so what's to say there wont be a thread in a few years saying I was once a crack user and I gave up!

Its just another government ploy to **** on your rights as a human being to do what you want and not what they want. How much tax will the government loose on people quitting where will the deficit come from? It wont come out of the MPs pockets it will come out of yours and mine.

If people want to give up then that is up to them to choose a time and a place that they are comfortable with not to have it rammed down your throat about you being some kind of social leper.. don't forget that not so long ago it was not considered immoral to have S** with your own children or have slaves in fact it still goes on so mans inhumanity to man is of less importance than giving up something that some people enjoy..

I am not against giving up smoking but what I resent is holier than thou people coming on TV and in ads saying yeah I was an ex smoker and look at me know I haven't had a cigarette in xx number of days and I feel great -- like yeah they have only put on 3 stone and are now classified as obese and are now being told that they need to loose weight cause if they don't they are shortening there life, like come on you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. Surely as long as you accept the consequences of smoking and are willing to pay the price NO one has the right to tell you that you should not do it !
JoeRiches said:
Just got to convince the gf to stop smoking now, although a lot of people told me I would be able to taste the fags on her when I kiss her, I have to admit I have not noticed that at all.

It might rather depend on where you kiss her.
Daff_Duck said:

Despite quitting the fags I found that this post left me out of breath.

I have no idea what you're annoyed about. If you want to smoke then go ahead and knock yourself out. If people want to quit and tell others about it then great go for it.

Do you smoke?
i wonna stop smoking but i cant i have gone like 2 weeks with out and felt great but all my mates smoke and when i go out and drink i wonna smoke. i have been smoking for 8 years and i think its time to stop i smoke 20 fags a day what do you think is the best way to do it i thought about smoking like rollies but i dunno if it will work

any help will be really helpfull thanks

*claps* well done dude ! :D

I gave up on 3rd Jan last year , I had planned on giving up on New Years but then my Gran bought me a carton of ciggies for Christmas bless her !

I was going to smoke those then give up but then I got a nasty cough so I thought I would give up whilst I was smoking less anyway

Before I gave up I cut some little habits out to try and wean myself off a little .. I bought a new car just before christmas so I stopped smoking in the car as soon as I got it which did help a great deal. Part of giving up smoking is breaking the little " habits " Ciggy in the morning with a cuppa , after food , whilst driving etc

If you can break those you're halfway there :)

I've not had so much as a puff since I gave up , I have put on about a stone and a bit in weight which I am now trying to rectify by eating more healthly and also going to the Gym 4 times a week - A small price to pay for being able to smell/taste better and also not stink to high heavan

I feel like I have been giving a new lease in life , I'm not in situations and constantly wondering when I'd be able to get my nicotine fix

I still get cravings but they pass within minutes

Now you have VIRII on your case ..... be afraid , be very afraid ;)
i wonna stop smoking but i cant i have gone like 2 weeks with out and felt great but all my mates smoke and when i go out and drink i wonna smoke. i have been smoking for 8 years and i think its time to stop i smoke 20 fags a day what do you think is the best way to do it i thought about smoking like rollies but i dunno if it will work

any help will be really helpfull thanks


Allan Carr's Book seems to be well recommended at the minute :) Well done to everyone who's stopped smoking BTW :cool:
Piggymon said:
I feel like I have been giving a new lease in life , I'm not in situations and constantly wondering when I'd be able to get my nicotine fix

I don't know what its like to give up smoking but it must be really hard to do so, well done to everyone who has done or even attempted to do so its a step in the right direction.

As piggymon has said about wondering about when you'll next get your nicotine fix, the other day i finally realised something in one of my classes in college. We had a double lesson 2 hours straight and towards the end of the lesson you could see all of my friends who smoke getting more and more snappy and antsy and not willing to sit still, and i thought why would anyone do that to themselves and if all of the labels and tv ads didnt mean anything that deffinatly did. (Ramble over)
Seriously well done.
i wonna stop smoking but i cant i have gone like 2 weeks with out and felt great but all my mates smoke and when i go out and drink i wonna smoke. i have been smoking for 8 years and i think its time to stop i smoke 20 fags a day what do you think is the best way to do it i thought about smoking like rollies but i dunno if it will work

any help will be really helpfull thanks


Allen Carr wrote several books with titles like "the easy way to stop smoking".
They work for most people by just gently readjusting the way you look at cigarettes and smoking in general. They don't use shock tactics or anything but just subtley help you to re-evaluate over time. Get one out of the library and read it. Works pretty well.
I've not smoked for nearly 2 weeks now i'm not going to say stopped until i never feel the urge to have one. I'm usually ok untill i go out then if someone else is smoking i want one so i'm really looking forward to the smoking bans as i feel then i wont be as tempted as i am now.
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