Quit Smoking

Gave up Jan 10 last year. Didn't tell anyone, not even my wife, just did it. Cut down for the week before, 1 week on middle strength patches, 2 on low strength, had 2 REALLY REALLY bad days and about 10 when I fancied 1 but not a bad craving. Still fancy 1 now & again, but it's a fancy not a craving.
HELP - I wanted a new computer so I put money saved in box & got a part every time I had enough. It worked for me, but don't try to save for a new BMW.
I must admit I never smoked in my house, I couldn't stand the smell! & I smoked for a hell of a lot of years before I stopped.
quitting smoking is such a big thing for some people, I've smoked since I was 14, it was the "done" thing at my school and as the whole place had sub 100 puples (total, across the WHOLE school including boarders) it was all to easy to start.

I stoped about 2 years ago now when I turned 20, it was quite hard but I sat it out, did other things to take my mind off it and genraly got on with my life.
people seem to think they need to wax lyrical about giving up but I think that its best just to forget about it, get on with your life and just not smoke, if it becomes a big thing in your life then its just making it hard on yourself. If you wake up every morning thinking "thats 14 days without any cigs" then it just reminds you of how long its been, then you start thinking "oh its ok to have just one, its been ages anyway, I can let myself down easly" but it doesn't work like that, either you give up or you don't, as yoda said "Do or Do not, there is no try"

I will never be a non smoker, I sometimes still feel the need to smoke, but I don't.

I'm just a smoker whos not had a cigerete in 2 years.

sure the first months hardest, but unless you have the willpower to realy quit over that time you're never going to be free of it.


I hope that the new laws concerning bars/pubs etc will help anyone who wants to quit, theres nothing like a smoke filled pub with all your m8s to ware down your willpower.
Stopped 8 days ago and to be honest it has turned out to be easier than I thought.

After nearly 10 years of smoking I never seriously considered stopping until at the end of Jan I set a date and spent about 6 weeks mentally preparing myself.

I was nervous on the last couple of days in Feb but I've been pleasantly surprised.

On low strength patches, feel good, still get major cravings but I take deep breaths of fresh air and it seems to do the trick, so does eating fruit.

£40 in the savings account already :)
Controlling genuine [as opposed to pretence/mildish] cravings is generally impossible unless we know the totality of our makeup. The replacement therapy route can help but unless we know why we desire and who is pulling the strings, such control will find expression somewhere, like "kicking the cat".

A paedophile can never change and neither can a homosexual, if the desire to change is the proper thing to do. We can "hide"/control but we cannot change. Genuine transformation is only possible when we realise the whole picture and start from there.

Once a desire has altered the balance of behaviourial receptors within the body, only through uncovering the root of the desire can any change be possible. Control is just that, it merely keeps at bay, the desire but the problem will be there until the subject dies.

Regardless of how the habit was initiated, like in smoking, say, peer pressure, wanting to grow up, looking fashionable, etc, once the desire manifests, the bodily balance is disturbed and when progressed further, will remain entrenched until it is uncovered. Change is only possible when we replaced it with Truth.
I also quit smoking on 1st March. Not had a since one since. I still get a craving when I would normally have one, like after food, when I get in from work etc and to be honest I can't see it going away any time soon. Generally though its going very well and I can say that I will never smoke another cig in my life.

Even after just a week I feel so much better in myself. I can taste better, smell things better, breathe better, have more energy, I smell better even my skin looks better. Oh and I am about £35 richer already.

I used to get anoyed when people told me to stop and stuff. At the end of the day its down to me what I do. But seriously, to all those smokers out there who feel like they want to stop, just stop. No books, no patches, no moaning saying you cant do it. Just stop. Its not hard at all really if you want to do it, you feel so much better because of it and you get some spare cash too. What more could you ask for?!

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yay good on you dude :D ive been going strong for the past 1-2months now, ive forgotten the actual date that i stopped but it feels like it was AGES ago, now i just need to try doing that exercise stuff ive been hearing about ¬_¬ :D
been UBER tempted to have one today after one of my housemates cooked a monster huge risotto, but instead got out one of my 50 packs of spearmint extra's and started chewing, cravings seem to go away :D
VIRII said:
Useless failure of a human being :p

Are you going to try again next Jan ?

I'm still cutting down at the moment. I'm a touch stressed out at the moment, so things aren't easy :p

Ant :cool:
VIRII said:
Best of luck mate. Did you ever read the book?

No, I was planning on ordering it, before the night I folded like a piece of paper :)

Unfortunately, I really can't see myself quitting anytime soon. I'm cutting down as much as I can, but, and I know it sounds pathetic ;) I've got too much on my plate, and these are my crux :D

Ant :cool:
ok not smoked for 2 days now but the big test will be tonight drinking night :( will i survive ??

If you're not sure then have a weekend off the booze. You've already defeated the two worst days, if you're not 100% sure you'll be smokefree by the morning then avoid the situation.
ok not smoked for 2 days now but the big test will be tonight drinking night :( will i survive ??

If you believe that you really want to quit and you really can do it then you will do so, but your best bet would be to do what VIRII said and lay off the booze for one night :) Good Luck :cool:

EDIT: Just realised that I always read VIRII's username as VIR 2 :o
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