quitting smoking is such a big thing for some people, I've smoked since I was 14, it was the "done" thing at my school and as the whole place had sub 100 puples (total, across the WHOLE school including boarders) it was all to easy to start.
I stoped about 2 years ago now when I turned 20, it was quite hard but I sat it out, did other things to take my mind off it and genraly got on with my life.
people seem to think they need to wax lyrical about giving up but I think that its best just to forget about it, get on with your life and just not smoke, if it becomes a big thing in your life then its just making it hard on yourself. If you wake up every morning thinking "thats 14 days without any cigs" then it just reminds you of how long its been, then you start thinking "oh its ok to have just one, its been ages anyway, I can let myself down easly" but it doesn't work like that, either you give up or you don't, as yoda said "Do or Do not, there is no try"
I will never be a non smoker, I sometimes still feel the need to smoke, but I don't.
I'm just a smoker whos not had a cigerete in 2 years.
sure the first months hardest, but unless you have the willpower to realy quit over that time you're never going to be free of it.
I hope that the new laws concerning bars/pubs etc will help anyone who wants to quit, theres nothing like a smoke filled pub with all your m8s to ware down your willpower.