R.I.P. Pyro

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at the area he was serving there have been lots of killings that later were attributed to “suicides” but no bullet casings were ever found.
i dont want to go into that mindtrip, but knowing pyro, i cant believe that he did what they say he did. someone from his friends had to know something, and nobody had a clue.
if he was killed, the killer of course wont be found as it was someone with higher connections. if he killed himself, something made him do it.
in both scenarios, i hope the guilty ones will find what they did in their lives.

The news of Pyro's suicide is shocking enough, but what you're suspecting there is too horrible to contemplate :(

RIP Pyro - wherever you are, I hope you're at peace. My condolences go to your family :(
Wow, this is quite a shock and a real shame. I only knew him from the forums but we often took part in the same political type threads, as I recall.
I never met the guy off the forums and I now feel diminished for not having done so. He seemed like a really nice and cheerful person, even through just his posts.

If his death really was suicide then it was truly tragic. I know he doesn't seem the kind of person to have done this but it's very common for people who are having a rough time while they're in the army to be ashamed of talking about it. I wish he could have done so though! When I was doing my national service in Cyprus a kid in the next outpost down the line tried to shoot himself while he was on guard duty one night, and I still thank God that the sergeant in charge of that outpost had a quick mind and balls of iron and commando'ed his way up to the guard post, talked his way up to the kid and disarmed him. Most other people wouldn't have known what to do, and simply passed the problem upwards (in that case to me who was officer on duty that night, but by the time I drove over there it might've been too late!), but that guy took action and probably saved the kid's life. I never felt easy handing out ammo to the senties every evening even before that, but from that night onwards I felt a cramp in my stomach every time I put the key in the lock of that cupboard!

I would be twice as shocked if there it was actually something more sinister, as Noufas's last post implies - I the manner of his death wouldn't make the fact of it less sad, but the thought of him being murdered truly enrages me, and I really hope they get to the bottom of it!

Noufas, thanks a lot for passing this on to us despite the grief you must be feeling right now man! I don't know if there's anything I could say to make it less painful to you, but if you want to talk to someone who knows what it's like when you're in the army down there my MSN's in my trust.

My thoughts go out to Pyro's family.
Oh **** so sad to hear this, had him on msn list for quite some time and he never failed to make me laugh...such a shame that he felt he needed to take his life.

RIP Pyro...my thoughts go out to his family:(
Never met him or spoke to him on MSN but by all accounts of those who have, he seemed sound.

23 is far too young and no doubt he will be missed by many. Such a horrible way to go too. My condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P. :(

I echo this. RIP Pyro.
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