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R9 290X Owners Thread

well, I am not firmly on my way back to AMD, instead of triple 290 4gb cards, this time on triple 8gb 290x's :)

Would have liked to hold out for the new cards, but hey ho.

Well, at this point am just hoping it's a smoother experience than when I left... especially BF4.

But at that point also had eyefinity. Am hoping things will be better on single 4K screen - with the added framebuffer :)

Here's a little teaser of what to expect. This was done with 3x290X 8GB Elpida reference cards, so you can probably expect slightly better performance from the PCS cards under water. :)


Just realised the FPS is half cut off, doh! The perils of recording handheld via a digital camera. The quality is terrible too, guess a TN panel and a camera don't go well together Lol. :D

If you look closely you can still make out the numbers. The flat gpu line on the left will tell you how 'smooth' it is. Not one green spike in sight! I will put up a better vid later today with the FPS in it.

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Here's a little teaser of what to expect. This was done with 3x290X 8GB Elpida reference cards, so you can probably expect slightly better performance from the PCS cards under water. :)


Just realised the FPS is half cut off, doh! The perils of recording handheld via a digital camera. The quality is terrible too, guess a TN panel and a camera don't go well together Lol. :D

If you look closely you can still make out the numbers. The flat gpu line on the left will tell you how 'smooth' it is. Not one green spike in sight! I will put up a better vid later today with the FPS in it.

Cheers man.

May have to oc my 4790 again....
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