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R9 290X Owners Thread

It works very well with reference cards, as you can see from my pictures of my old rig below. One with reference cards and one with AIB cards dumping heat in the case. The reference cards worked fine, the AIB's throttled unless i kept the side panel off of the 540.



If you have 2-3 cards dumping heat in the 540 case there is no way to naturally exhaust that heat, due to no side fans. I will ask Shankly to pop in and comment, as he has the same case and 2x290X MSI Gaming cards in the 540. I think he got around the problem by using a three slot spacing. :)

I imagine those reference cooled cards made a fair bit of noise though!

It's kind of a shame though, I could have just gotten a "normal" PC case and saved some money.

That's correct it isn't so much the case having no side fan it's more about having as much space you can possibly get between the GPUs I have found.
Even with the case side panel off I dropped temperature better by having a nice gab.

Here how mine is setup both stay around high 70s to mid 80s depending on the game or if I leave the frame rate un-capped.
Case setup.

Thanks for that.

What fan speeds do your cards ramp up to in that configuration?
I imagine those reference cooled cards made a fair bit of noise though!

It's kind of a shame though, I could have just gotten a "normal" PC case and saved some money.

Thanks for that.

What fan speeds do your cards ramp up to in that configuration?

I use the default fan profile on msi afterburner so fan speed is normally matching temperature.
The Msi cards are super quite.
When i first got my 290x's I did some overclocking but set it back to stock because it ran everything fine. I'm wanting to re overclock them though (running on water).

I seem to remember reading some time back that for memory overclocking it was better to set it at specific clock speeds as in between actually reduced performance. Is this true and if so what clock speeds should I set?

Also, how can I get more than + 100mv in afterburner or do I need to use a different program.

Further up the thread I see people who own the MSI Twin Frozr edition of the 290X opinions being on the card isn't so loud although in my opinion/experience it seems pretty noisy and toasty under load. Perhaps I have been spoilt coming from a MSI 970 which was virtually silent almost never heard it above 4 case fans at between 600-800rpm but I find the 290X to be pretty loud currently playing Crysis 3 - 82c and 61% fan speed in a room with an ambient of let's say roughly 20c and below the desk and to the side it can still be heard!
To paint a picture of my case cooling I have a Corsair 450D which has sufficient airflow/vents for the cards cooling to operate at optimal noise/temperature ratio I'd have thought.
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Further up the thread I see people who own the MSI Twin Frozr edition of the 290X opinions being on the card isn't so loud although in my opinion/experience it seems pretty noisy and toasty under load. Perhaps I have been spoilt coming from a MSI 970 which was virtually silent almost never heard it above 4 case fans at between 600-800rpm but I find the 290X to be pretty loud currently playing Crysis 3 - 82c and 61% fan speed in a room with an ambient of let's say roughly 20c and below the desk and to the side it can still be heard!
To paint a picture of my case cooling I have a Corsair 450D which has sufficient airflow/vents for the cards cooling to operate at optimal noise/temperature ratio I'd have thought.

ii used to have the 290x gaming edition and cant remember hitting those temps,as i recall it used to sit smack on 71c, cant remember the noise levels as i game with a headset
Yes i just tried it and it happened on my setup. Thanks for reporting this, I'll raise it as a bug. :)

it seem completely closing AMD Gaming Evolved fixes it. can you try this? if you have AMD Gaming Evolved running..

it seems AMD Gaming Evolved is effecting many games since it got updated
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