Oh look its hurf to spam a load of links to activist organisations and unions I bet none of their positions will found to be wanting now will they.....
Let start with Mind shall we... and lets read on where they provide their 'evidence' for their assertion that there is 'institutional racism' in the UK....
So Black people are more likely to be sectioned than whites eh... must by systemic and or institutional racism right?
But when you look at the actual figures for all ethnicities you find so things that don't match up with the narrative.. for example that the figures for
Indian people sectioned per capita are very close to white British (71.9 vs 70.4 per 100,000 people respectively in 2019/20)
and Chinese people are far less likely to be sectioned that whites (54.1 vs 70.4 per 100,000 people respectively in 2019/20).
You also find that black people are quite significantly
overrepresented as employees in NHS mental health services...
What sort of strange systemic and or institutional racism is present in the mental health services where Indians have similar figures to whites, Chinese people do much better that either Whites or Indians but yet black people are being subject to systemic and or institutional racism by an organisation where black people are massively overrepresented in the workforce???
Its funny that Mind should be implying that the government commissioned report lacks rigour because their argument for systemic and or institutional racism seems to rather lack substance itself!
Anyway moving on...
Are you really going to quote two unions when unions have a vested interested in promoting disharmony and disagreement between their members and their members employers?
Another advocacy group for NHS trusts this time who perpetuate victim culture amongst non whites by suggesting they view often quite innocuous actions and words as racist 'micro aggressions'
and who probably find arguing for the existence of 'structural discrimination' (and for increased resources to tackle it) is a good way to try and secure more money from the government for the NHS trusts they represent.
and finally we have the British Psychological Society...
I thought I remembered hearing about that organisation from a bit of social media uproar last year...
It turns out one of their former members wrote a
letter outlining why they left the organisation, this was initially published by
the BPS who then rescinded it at the same time as they tacitly, and it would appear baselessly, accused the author or racism after a social media pile on because the letter apparently upset a lot of people by suggesting that adopting a subjective and ill defined principles like 'social justice' might not be a good idea for a professional organisation.
Needless to say the BPS, like many professional and public organisations in the west, are fully captured by the cult of social justice complete with the requirements for its (non 'BAME') members to need to seek
atonement for their alleged original sins and by using gaslighting terms like 'white fragility' to tackle those pesky enough not to just roll over and take their punishment when accused of their (collective and intergenerational) crimes ...
Still it's not surprising that they have been swayed by the cult of social justice when they put out official statements quoting professional and
well paid grievance grifters like Ibram X. Kendi ...
If you are not familiar with Kendi's work and what 'anti-racist' actually means then read his book where he outlines how he's a shameless advocate for racial discrimination in the present and future
Yes all very compelling (sarcasm)