Race report: 'UK not deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities'

The current report. What specifically about it do you disagree with and what specifically are you suggesting is implemented?

That's sort of the point i'm making, no point having all these reports if they repeat the same thing. If a report from 1999 is recommending making the same changes as a report in 2021, what's the point in them other than to appease both sides.

Just like theistic gods, the woke god is designed to be unfalsifiable.

Your mind can't comprehend anything beyond binary?

It's Woke God™, and no it's not in my programming unfortunately.
We are creating a society where you believe in yourself and everything else is to be rationalised and deconstructed.

Hopefully it is a passing fad as we transition from old power structures to new ways. I try to be optimistic, but I feel we will simply become a nation of lost and untethered individuals. People who want to feel part of a collective will likely overcompensate and be attracted by the more radical ideas on the left and right.

I'm fascinated and scared by the whole thing. I'm concentrating on retiring early and walking the dog on the beach and hoping I can avoid it all. I've got to an age where the world doesn't really make as much sense anymore as the rose tinted walled garden of my upbringing is being dismantled.

You sound like me. I've been plotting my escape from society for a while now, and I'm not even 40 yet. The whole affair has just become farcical and rudderless.
A lot of people want a government that is proud to be British, so Boris has made sure to promote the fact that his government is proudly British by showing the Union Jack unashamedly. Obviously this riles the lunatics on the left who go abroad and are embarrassed to tell people they're British because of some strange sense of guilt they have.
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A lot of people want a government that is proudly to be British, so Boris has made sure to promote the fact that his government is proudly British by showing the Union Jack unashamedly. Obviously this riles the lunatics on the left who go abroad and are embarrassed to tell people they're British because of some strange sense of guilt they have.

Oooooooooooooooooor maybe because they think it's stupid to put flags on everything and claim how proud you are to be british when they believe the same dudes actions are harming the british people. But thats a discussion for another thread and this is a post on the internet so here is some lefty rage for you :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Oooooooooooooooooor maybe because they think it's stupid to put flags on everything and claim how proud you are to be british when they believe the same dudes actions are harming the british people. But thats a discussion for another thread and this is a post on the internet so here is some lefty rage for you :mad::mad::mad::mad:

I'm sure they do, but they'll rationalise anything in an attempt to demonise the Tories
Ah, more of your, "I know you are, but what am I" debating finesse.

You don't like people applying your standards to you. Not surprising, seeing how unfair your standards are.

The entertainment comes from seeing which fallacies get used to protect that precarious and fragile worldview. I particularly enjoyed it when you immediately tried to attack the authors, rather than their report and then projected a lot about ad hominem attacks.

I referred to the chosen careers and beliefs of the authors, which is of course relevant to their work.
Pretty well said.

I tend to be suspicious of politicians who suddenly decide they need to have a flag in the background or that the flag is sacred, especially when that same politician is going against the principles that flag is meant to embody.

I also especially love the way that in America they make a huge thing about not respecting the flag by following the "flag code", then go and break it in a dozen different and far worse ways (nothings says you respect the flag like using it as undies).
I'm not a flag waver and never have been.

But why should anybody residing in this country feel *antagonised* by the Union flag?

That's how this flag topic came up most recently, I believe. That a school agreed to take down and review it's Union flags because some pupils felt "antagonised" by it.

Are those feelings at all valid and why would they be? Does that indicate they do not feel part of this nation, this country? Is there another nation, country or group with another flag they associate more happily with...

I would be deeply suspicious of the motives of somebody who said the Union flag "antagonised" them. To me that is a red flag that they possibly do not wish to share our values, merely our land.
Well there already seem to be plenty of people who hold this country in contempt looking at the amount of fly tipping and downright selfish behaviour I see daily.

Creating a whole new generation who think their country is a piece of crap will really help, I'm sure. Improving the country, or at least doing no harm to it has always seemed like a good reason for national common purpose and a bit of pride to me.
With a school that is over 70% ethnic minority, you can see what the future if Britain looks like.

A country that hates everything that is British.

If I went to a school in Pakistan and started vandalising it demanding they removed the flag due to the antagonistic connotations im sure I would be dealt with in short shrift.

What the children should be proud of is that in the uk they get free education, healthcare and that they have the right to protest without getting beaten or dismembered.

That doesn't mean they have to exercise that right to this extreme just to prove it by vandalising and grafifiting the place.

Very sad and shameful.
Well there already seem to be plenty of people who hold this country in contempt looking at the amount of fly tipping and downright selfish behaviour I see daily.

Creating a whole new generation who think their country is a piece of crap will really help, I'm sure. Improving the country, or at least doing no harm to it has always seemed like a good reason for national common purpose and a bit of pride to me.

Would this be the same people that hate the military and law and order?
With a school that is over 70% ethnic minority, you can see what the future if Britain looks like.

A country that hates everything that is British.

If I went to a school in Pakistan and started vandalising it demanding they removed the flag due to the antagonistic connotations im sure I would be dealt with in short shrift.

What the children should be proud of is that in the uk they get free education, healthcare and that they have the right to protest without getting beaten or dismembered.

That doesn't mean they have to exercise that right to this extreme just to prove it by vandalising and grafifiting the place.

Very sad and shameful.

Pakistan is a hell of an example to compare as being more nationalistic.

Pakistan (mostly Muslim) was created in a split from India (Mostly Hindu) 71 years ago when Britain bailed. Then India, still upset about that, helped Bangladesh (still mostly Muslims) split from Pakistan 50 years ago and all of that involved lots of fighting, killing, mistreatment of civilians and hurtful words.

They get along like Ireland and Northern Ireland over there, recent historical foes and regular reminders that the neighbours want to kill them keeps the nationalism high and the armed forces are busy defending the country in a very literal sense.

Creation and defence of their country is what their flag has stood for in very recent history.

Meanwhile in our ultra safe island we mostly get scrotes planting our flag in their *** and whinging about too many foreigners rather than doing amazing work for the country and sticking our flag on it.
Meanwhile in our ultra safe island we mostly get scrotes planting our flag in their *** and whinging about too many foreigners rather than doing amazing work for the country and sticking our flag on it.

These people are just a weird invention by the left wing media for you lot to hate in the same way you believe they hate "foreigners". They'll go interview a few morons and you think that's representative of half the country who's views you disagree with. You probably look down on "them" for generalising Muslims or whatever minority group in a particular way while you do the exact same thing except to a different group while taking the moral high ground.
Pakistan is a hell of an example to compare as being more nationalistic.

Pakistan (mostly Muslim) was created in a split from India (Mostly Hindu) 71 years ago when Britain bailed. Then India, still upset about that, helped Bangladesh (still mostly Muslims) split from Pakistan 50 years ago and all of that involved lots of fighting, killing, mistreatment of civilians and hurtful words.

They get along like Ireland and Northern Ireland over there, recent historical foes and regular reminders that the neighbours want to kill them keeps the nationalism high and the armed forces are busy defending the country in a very literal sense.

Creation and defence of their country is what their flag has stood for in very recent history.

Meanwhile in our ultra safe island we mostly get scrotes planting our flag in their *** and whinging about too many foreigners rather than doing amazing work for the country and sticking our flag on it.

These people are just a weird invention by the left wing media for you lot to hate in the same way you believe they hate "foreigners". They'll go interview a few morons and you think that's representative of half the country who's views you disagree with. You probably look down on "them" for generalising Muslims or whatever minority group in a particular way while you do the exact same thing except to a different group while taking the moral high ground.

An invention and misunderstood. How can far right nationalists stay motivated when you deny the effort in digging their pit and say that critics on level ground made the effort to be morally superior.
Pakistan is a hell of an example to compare as being more nationalistic.

Pakistan (mostly Muslim) was created in a split from India (Mostly Hindu) 71 years ago when Britain bailed. Then India, still upset about that, helped Bangladesh (still mostly Muslims) split from Pakistan 50 years ago and all of that involved lots of fighting, killing, mistreatment of civilians and hurtful words.

They get along like Ireland and Northern Ireland over there, recent historical foes and regular reminders that the neighbours want to kill them keeps the nationalism high and the armed forces are busy defending the country in a very literal sense.

Creation and defence of their country is what their flag has stood for in very recent history.

Meanwhile in our ultra safe island we mostly get scrotes planting our flag in their *** and whinging about too many foreigners rather than doing amazing work for the country and sticking our flag on it.

Given the number of terririst attacks we gave endured lately and the number foiled, the wars we have fought ww1, ww2, for the effective freedom of the world to avoid being racially discriminated against or simply outright killed by the germans etc, I think we too won the right to fly our flag.
Interesting development. Originally the flag of England made some people cringe because of its association with football hooligans and the far right. Therefore the Union Flag was seen as being in better taste and was encouraged in its place instead.

Now all of a sudden the latter is seen as something to be ashamed of too. Righto. Can't have all those far right lot at the last night of the proms waving it around willy nilly and offending people eh!

The entire premise of that flag is unity, that's something that should be celebrated not erased. Also letting school kids set the agenda is mental given school is about education and discipline. They'll be an employer's nightmare in the real world.

I'm beginning to think certain sections of society want the UK to be like living in Mad Max.
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Given the number of terririst attacks we gave endured lately and the number foiled, the wars we have fought ww1, ww2, for the effective freedom of the world to avoid being racially discriminated against or simply outright killed by the germans etc, I think we too won the right to fly our flag.

Ah the irony that the largest volunteer army the world has ever seen had a 1/3 of it made up by men who would today of been Pakistani. Honestly you Billy Britain types always forget that the British armed services were dwarfed by those from around our Empire that stepped up to fight against the Germany, Italy and Japan. We didn't win the war, although lots here would have you believe the delusion that we did. If it hadn't been for all those other countries citizens and the Yanks we'd all be typing in German right now. That isn't to take anything from British servicemen and women who fought, my paternal grandfather was at Dunkirk, got buried in a building that was shelled and spent 18 month in hospital recovering, though he never really recovered from the PTSD from his experience. My respect from them is bottomless, my respect for those that try and ride on their coattails while spouting nonsense is non existent.

The Union flag is sadly stained by years of the likes of the National Front, British National Party, Britain First and all the other knuckle draggers who wrap themselves in it. I've also got little time for extreme "patriotism" like you get in the US.
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