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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

18 May 2010
I can't remember his name either, but I agree. The last video review by That Scottish Guy where he tore strips off all the review sites that don't account for boost speeds was excellent.

Hopefully That Scottish Guy will get his hands on one of these new cards and review it.

AdoredTV? I am a fan of his videos, very unbiased and down to earth
8 May 2014
no i think you are incorrect. Vega i believe will battle against pascal's titan and 1080 ti class cards. Time will tell

what would stop them from making 2 Chips using Vega architecture ?
didnt they just do that with polaris
polaris 11 a 100+mm² chip, entry level, competing with 950/750Ti
polaris 10 a 200+mm² chip , mainstream competing with 970/980
a 300+mm² chip vega 11 high end 490/490X to compete with 1080/1070
a 400+mm² chip vega 10 enthusiast FuryX2/Fury2 Pro to compete with Ti/Titan
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20 May 2007
I wouldn't call what AMD have done a "launch". What Nvidia did was a launch - technical details, price, reviews. And it was paper because you couldn't buy it.

AMD have said "we're putting out a card called this pitched around here in performance, details available when the NDA expires at the end of June". That ain't a launch paper or otherwise. It will launch at the end of the month and AMD have said you'll be able to buy it then. I.e. hard launch.

Are you actually for real? What Nvidia did on the 6th May and what AMD did today is no different.

To argue otherwise is simply ridiculous.
4 Oct 2008
You will see reviews at the exact time you can buy it. You will have all the information needed on the day of release so can make an informed opinion whether you want to or not. This has been standard practice for the majority of launches over the years from both companies.

I would expect similar supply as the 1080 GTX, where its very limited, and not really shipping too most for another month. So you either just blindly purchase during the rush or take your time and read/watch all the reviews and so what happens.

Honestly I don't think what happened with the 1080 was bad, I had all the info I needed before the launch, the launch wasn't too far after the reviews and so on. This is standard for smartphones for example where the review is out a few days or weeks before you can buy. It also gives better publications like anandtech time too review things properly. AMD has gotten around the last part by effectively giving everyone 1 month too review it, but its a bit painful waiting 1 month too see the benchmarks.
4 Oct 2008
Are you actually for real? What Nvidia did on the 6th May and what AMD did today is no different.

To argue otherwise is simply ridiculous.

The difference is as far as we know the NDA day and the release day is the same. Nvidia had the release of the cards after the review, personally I think thats better, no need too rush through reviews quickly and buy, it gave us time too see reviews, get more details on things like how its OCs and what different people found.
28 May 2007
I would expect similar supply as the 1080 GTX, where its very limited, and not really shipping too most for another month. So you either just blindly purchase during the rush or take your time and read/watch all the reviews and so what happens.

Honestly I don't think what happened with the 1080 was bad, I had all the info I needed before the launch, the launch wasn't too far after the reviews and so on. This is standard for smartphones for example where the review is out a few days or weeks before you can buy. It also gives better publications like anandtech time too review things properly. AMD has gotten around the last part by effectively giving everyone 1 month too review it, but its a bit painful waiting 1 month too see the benchmarks.

I expect far more supply with this launch. I felt Nvidia's was rushed hence why there is not much supply. You can still buy a Founder's Edition at this moment though. I did not mind the way Nvidia done it either but it's not really been the standard way to launch over the years.
19 Feb 2011
low we have stooped to a new low of derailment, now we are arguing over the semantics of a "Paper Launch"

Jesus get a grip people, lets keep it on topic regarding the 480 and Polaris news.... Lets get rid of the Nvidia guff in here, lets keep it about the product.

I want to see some benchmarks and leaks and i want to know what other cards are coming in the "polaris Family" i also want to see the same about Vega.

This card at the current rumors looks good, but we need to see real world results.
19 Oct 2008
Not done any reading yet but from pic on first page impression is cheap black plastic thing he's holding up.Of course the price is cheap so fingers crossed it's good value so to give people more options....stop complaining about NVIDIA pricing now as other options are here :D
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21 May 2010
Why are people getting excited about buying a card as powerful as a gtx 970 for £200. With cars twice as powerful now £400 isn't that where it should be anyway?
20 May 2007
Why are people getting excited about buying a card as powerful as a gtx 970 for £200. With cars twice as powerful now £400 isn't that where it should be anyway?

Yes but it has a < 150w tdp!

Oh wait :p

In seriousness though no one actually knows what the performance will be.

If it is Fury level it will be great. If 390/970 level, not so much.
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20 May 2007
You must know something we don't? Where is it said it's got the same power as a gtx970?

Most articles from the editors day say that the consensus was between 970 and 980 performance. The slide showing it being compared to a 970/980 also hints at this.

Fact is though, none of us really know :p
1 Jun 2006
well based on the benchmarks 2= in crossfire a 1080 performance.

which is 2x 970 gtx ;)

take out the factor of most games don't do double performance and optimization i think you can safely say its between a 970 gtx and a 980 gtx in performance.

which for $200 is good. or even £200.
31 Mar 2010
low we have stooped to a new low of derailment, now we are arguing over the semantics of a "Paper Launch

Yup this is what I come to the graphics section on OCUK for - pedantic arguments over what type of launch it was. I really hope Vega is announced in the near future. I just don't think I will be able to bear any more than maybe three months without reading about how stupid somebody is for referring to a graphics card launch using the wrong terminology.
28 May 2007
Most articles from the editors day say that the consensus was between 970 and 980 performance. The slide showing it being compared to a 970/980 also hints at this.

Fact is though, none of us really know :p

The only semi reliable performance we have is that 3dmark 11 link. That bench is pretty long in the tooth though so it's hard to get anything from that but it does match up with a Fury. I think that would be the top end of where this card could be. Certainly in 3dmark 11 it's way faster than a gtx970.
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6 Oct 2007
North West
well based on the benchmarks 2= in crossfire a 1080 performance.

which is 2x 970 gtx ;)

take out the factor of most games don't do double performance and optimization i think you can safely say its between a 970 gtx and a 980 gtx in performance.

which for $200 is good. or even £200.

50% gpu utilization in the bench they showed the 480 xfire beating the 1080, whilst the 1080 was maxed out. So I would say we can expect at minimum 980 and at max fury speed.
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