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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

18 Oct 2013
far side of the moon
Yup we will and you've clearly made up your mind. The issue you have is that if it does match 970 you'll think it's a failure, whereas I wouldn't. £200 approx for a lower power, less temps and better heat output would be a winner in my books.

It would be disappointing as the specs don't match it only being 970 .....clocked at 1266 its 5.8 TFLOP card - which means it should easily match 390X/980 stock......

spenty of evidence shows it does - even on dodgy drivers - its showing it is very close to that and that's just in DX 11 benches; it will be faster in DX 12.... I've even stated it will get even faster with driver improvements......this is just logic; as AMD never had regression in performance in their graphic chips...

where it falls with OC is the real question......we just don't know
1 Dec 2011
Small stores tend to sell at cost to try and win market shar or just list product and break nda to try and get exposure, then they never get stock!

Our pricing will be competitive, hoping for lowest in market and free shipping. :)

So £259 then with £299 being the pre-order price?
24 Jul 2012
Going back a couple pages... personally i don't get the down playing argument.

Pretend its only as fast as a 390 to keep expectations low, and then it turns out to be as fast as a 390X... woop.
Its beaten expenctations but its not going to get anyone excited, its still only a side grade in a price bracket where pepole who already have cards at that performance are looking to upgrade.

The card actually needs to be a performance upgrade to be relevent.

You said earlier

For $200 it would take a lot of deflation for people to be disappointed ^^^^ worst case its as fat that 390 and overclocks 10%, for $200 thats still one hell of a card.

Do we have to go back though the pages to pull up the later 3DMark submissions?


Right now it seems to me clock for clock the 480 is actually a little faster than the 1070, the difference is Nvidia run much higher clocks out of the box, Nvidia have better voltage regulation in their tech, nvidia even made a big deal out of their voltage regulation improvements with Pascal.

I think these Polaris cards are wolves in sheep's clothing.

So what is it ??? At least be consistent with all the nonsense
7 Feb 2015
South West
Apparently official Polaris drivers went out directly to reviewers yesterday, the driver enables the new hardware features that are not supported in earlier drivers. That means the 3dMark scores using 16.5.1 etc were not showing the RX480's true performance.
18 Oct 2013
far side of the moon
Apparently official Polaris drivers went out directly to reviewers yesterday, the driver enables the new hardware features that are not supported in earlier drivers. That means the 3dMark scores using 16.5.1 etc were not showing the RX480's true performance.

we also saw the 470 supposed 3dmark scores jump a lot by a new driver....along with it matching 970 in benches.......why I don't believe 480 can only be as fast as 970
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Nothing, I have a EVGA 980ti in my gaming rig, but for the living room media centre I think a 480 8GB would be nice, especially if it over-clocks well. Imho I've always found the 2D desktop experience with AMD far better, and I'll admit I'd like to try a new piece of AMD tech for a change. I almost went with a nano, but I can't be doing with coil whine.

Roll on the 29th.

Is there still a rumour going round that the NDA will lift early?

Would you not agree AMD have not done enough at 970 performance for about the same money?

The 970 is a 140 Watt card, 30% from refrence overclocks are the norm with it and they have always been inexpensive.

Its like AMD looked at the success of the 970 and realised thats what they had to do, and then went and made a 970 of thier own when the other side has moved on, speaking of which, whats the bet the 1060 will surrpass the 980 for the same money as the 480?

Pepole accused me of being nuts for sugesting it might be Fury-Nano perforamce and possibly overclock to refrence 980TI performance.

Thats a reasonable expectation to have for a <£300 card of this new generation.

Its like AMD looked at the success of the 970 and realised thats what they had to do, and then went and made a 970 of thier own when the other side has moved on, speaking of which, whats the bet the 1060 will surrpass the 980 for the same money as the 480?

Is nuts.
8 Aug 2003
Hang on a second...........

I don't appreciate being accused of derailing the thread when you're the one who brought that 1060 into the thread with the link you originally posted and then you asked me a question about the 1060 which I answered.

There's no need to play the "AMD Card" because comparisons will always be made between cards whether they're from the same or a rival manufacturer.

Aghhh, sorry I explained that headline was not the reason of that link. Yet it is what you mistakenly focused on it seems. Point being this card I believe is expected to offer performance of $500 cards from current/last generation which is not a GTX960 or GTX970 that some keep comparing it too.

As for playing the AMD card? The last GPU I bought on my previous PC was the original Titan at launch from this very establishment. Like several others here I want to buy a new card this incoming month, so whatever is the best under £300 price point is what I am targeting at this time simply because I only need 1080p and 1070 is overkill.
18 Oct 2002
Humbug, did you literally just quote part of your post within that same post then agree with yourself?

No, there are no indications that a significantly smaller core of the 1060 with a smaller bus will beat the 980 nor Polaris 10. Also no, not all performance levels move on, they move DOWN a tier which is what we are seeing here. 970 is built from a 400mm^2 die, this performance level should move down to a 200mm^2 level with a process node drop, you should not and we have never seen something halve in size and dramatically move on in performance because of that pesky thing called physics.

A 400mm^2 core should be 70-80% faster than a 400mm^2 core on the previous node, something half the size should not be.
6 Dec 2013
Would you not agree AMD have not done enough at 970 performance for about the same money?

The 970 is a 140 Watt card, 30% from refrence overclocks are the norm with it and they have always been inexpensive.

Its like AMD looked at the success of the 970 and realised thats what they had to do, and then went and made a 970 of thier own when the other side has moved on, speaking of which, whats the bet the 1060 will surrpass the 980 for the same money as the 480?

Pepole accused me of being nuts for sugesting it might be Fury-Nano perforamce and possibly overclock to refrence 980TI performance.

Thats a reasonable expectation to have for a <£300 card of this new generation.


Is nuts.

give it a rest.... you've gone from savior card to push a 970 down peoples throats in a 480 thread. you clearly can't help but be swayed back and fourth by every little tiny bit of information, why not just wait until the card is actually out before making your mind up, like any sane person would do.
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24 Jul 2012
Would you not agree AMD have not done enough at 970 performance for about the same money?

970 when launched was at least $100 more expensive

If anything AMD brought down the 970 price

Its like AMD looked at the success of the 970 and realised thats what they had to do, and then went and made a 970 of thier own when the other side has moved on, speaking of which, whats the bet the 1060 will surrpass the 980 for the same money as the 480?

They made a card that will be superior to the 970

Pepole accused me of being nuts for sugesting it might be Fury-Nano perforamce and possibly overclock to refrence 980TI performance.

Thats a reasonable expectation to have for a <£300 card of this new generation.

Reference 980 ti beating card for 199 dollar ... Expecting that is indeed nuts
17 Feb 2006
You guys taking the **** out of humbug... you really want a 14nm 970 for the price that the 970 has been for at least 6 months (last time I looked it was ~£240)

So you're just happy to have an AMD-badged 970. No progress necessary, just a non-nVidia 970, thank you very much AMD for this "great success".
6 Dec 2013
You guys taking the **** out of humbug... you really want a 14nm 970 for the price that the 970 has been for at least 6 months (last time I looked it was ~£240)

So you're just happy to have an AMD-badged 970. No progress necessary, just a non-nVidia 970, thank you very much AMD for this "great success".

based on what figures exactly?
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