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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

6 Jan 2013
If someone can replicate that on a comparable card and post it we can get the performance comparison for that game at least.

Whose up for it?

I would but don't have the game.

For GTA using his settings i locked my cpu to 3.3ghz and disabled HT, couldnt do anything bout my ram as i only have 2 sticks and would lose dual channel if i dropped to 8gb.

I played the video and played gta benchmark in a window side by side and the FPS seemed to be about 3-4 fps higher on average on the 290x at stock speed.

Them settings he uses exceeds my vram according to gta but it was staying just under 4gb in AB so i guess it was right on the limit.

Ill go take a look at witcher now.

edit: Just gave Witcher a blast with his settings with hairworks off, completely different story to GTA, i was getting around 5-10 less fps on the 290x, in GTA it was fairly close with the 480 going above my fps occasionally but in Witcher i never get within 5 fps of the 480 and in the higher FPS parts where hes getting nearly 70 im only getting around 58.
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24 May 2011
no its not ffs - look at the videos he's posted its at least matching 980 - so certainly can't be slower than 970....

Are you in denial? He's stated in that very videos comments the 980 is faster. I even quoted him as saying that 3dmark score was closer to 970. "Ffs" indeed. How it performs when overclocked or in Xfire is another matter...
18 Oct 2013
far side of the moon
well in the witcher settings in his video the 980 gtx is faster. so with how the 970 gtx pricing is it is as we thought if video true 970 gtx/980 gtx performance.

if its £200 for 4gb card the 970 gtx is £215 which is about right as amd normally price their cards a little lower.

its a mix - its about 980 stock speeds with witcher settings; 980 a little higher......he's also said he doesn't have release drivers but older dodgy drivers.....I'd say not bad on dodgy drivers
18 Oct 2002
Nothing wrong with choosing AMD, but why a reference AMD over an EVGA SC? Whats wrong with choosing Nvidia?

Better support over the long term, when will Nvidia users complain that Maxwell is losing speed compared to Pascal. Better DX12 performance and better support for future effects/apis/ideas in computing. Better power usage meaning lower noise, twice as much memory, well, you know more like 3.5 to 8GB. Which card will have better value for resale two years from now, a 8GB card with at least 970 performance(everything suggests higher unless you want to 'play' 3dmark) that uses much less power and has better DX12 performance which in two years will be every major performance requiring game, or a 4(3.5)GB 970 with worse DX12 performance that uses more power and likely has less support by then for performance updates than the AMD card.

Honestly you'd have to be a little mental to buy a 970 when it costs more as has precisely zero benefit over a similar AMD card that will cost £205.

Stop saying it will be £230 or explain why an AMD card with dramatically higher availability will have a significantly larger mark up than a 1080 or 1070.

OCUk stock ssds, graphics cards, motherboards, cpus and a whole range of graphics cards, none of which convert 1:1 from $ to £, none. But you've decided to repeatedly tell everyone this card will be £230 bucking the trend of every single other product sold here and in every other computer retail store in the UK.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
We price product based on many things. :)

1080 / 1070 we wer me cheapest at launch and are still very competitive and cheapest on several.

End up of day your free to buy from anywhere, OcUK is doing extremely well on VGA and growing so I'm doing something right. :)

P.S. We often sell at cost b or below on product, just not on Hydrocoppers. :)

Not going to get into an argument but on several AIB cards you were far from cheapest on launch.

Even now you're still not but that can be forgiven slightly as you are getting stock and others arent.
24 Oct 2005
North East
You would have to be mad to buy a 970,instead of the 480 8gb.

Not really, karik666, i would buy the 970 over a 8gb amd 480. Not bothered about how much vram it has, at 1080p on my 670 i still have never found a game that had bad fps due to vram running out at high/max settings (game dependent). So 3.5gb or 4gb 970 would do fine for me tbh. Nvidia i trust, i have trust issues with amd after hd3850 many years ago as could never force aa ingames like u can with nvidia and other things. True its a old card to compare to now but still. I would still buy a 970 probably even if a 480 was slightly faster in some games.

2nd hand prices of near new 970s are probably good as dont think id buy a 970 for 200 still. 2nd hand price i reckon in mm have been around 150 mark. Will probably drop to 130 mark come 1st of july and if i see one thats barely used im gona snap that mother up. :)

If the 480 was about 980 or slightly better then id think a bit more about it. I mean AMD have said its the quality of a 500 dollar card packed in a 200 dollar price tag so we will see.
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25 Aug 2015
Nothing wrong with choosing AMD, but why a reference AMD over an EVGA SC? Whats wrong with choosing Nvidia?

Nothing, I have a EVGA 980ti in my gaming rig, but for the living room media centre I think a 480 8GB would be nice, especially if it over-clocks well. Imho I've always found the 2D desktop experience with AMD far better, and I'll admit I'd like to try a new piece of AMD tech for a change. I almost went with a nano, but I can't be doing with coil whine.

Roll on the 29th.

Is there still a rumour going round that the NDA will lift early?
29 Oct 2005
even if it matches the 970 I will be happy..its not you or anyone elses call to decide what to buy.

I will buy it because its low wattage,8gb ram,in the right price bracket and because I want to.
I'm not a fanboy of either colour,i just choose what card I want and when..right now I want a 480.

ive gone from x1900,6970,7870,7970,gtx960 and now this 480..my money my choices..you have rammed your opinion down everyones throat..we get it you like NVidia.so go back to the NVidia thread :)
26 May 2014
Are you in denial? He's stated in that very videos comments the 980 is faster. I even quoted him as saying that 3dmark score was closer to 970. "Ffs" indeed. How it performs when overclocked or in Xfire is another matter...
You're just ignoring any evidence that doesn't fit your narrative, and you accuse other people of being in denial.


There's the link again showing that it matches a stock 980 in 3DMark. Provide the result from this nobody on Youtube showing that it performs like a 970. Shouldn't be difficult, right?
24 May 2011
Nothing, I have a EVGA 980ti in my gaming rig, but for the living room media centre I think a 480 8GB would be nice, especially if it over-clocks well. Imho I've always found the 2D desktop experience with AMD far better, and I'll admit I'd like to try a new piece of AMD tech for a change. I almost went with a nano, but I can't be doing with coil whine.

Roll on the 29th.

Is there still a rumour going round that the NDA will lift early?

Surely for a living room media centre a nano would be a better bet? Granted it's around £150 dearer, but I have one in my small build machine and love them to bits! I really think AMD should have released the Nano at it's current price! The card is awesome and would have done really well:(
30 May 2016
GPU-Z leak from Videocardz


Source: http://videocardz.com/61371/amd-radeon-rx-480-rumors-part-5

Not sure if it's legit.

Oh and that's my first post! Hi! :p

Hmm... Only 32 ROPs as opposed to 64 on the 390X...

On the other hand, the pixel fillrate is calculated as the number of ROPs multiplied by the clock speed so it will be more than half the 390X fill rate. That is, 1050*64 is about 67.2GP/s, whereas the 480 would (if this leak is to be believed) be at 1266*32=40.51GP/s.

I don't think there's a disadvantage here really. Shader count and speed are what rule performance nowadays. Besides, I'm guessing the primitive discard accelerator helps with the reduce ROP count (as stuff that is covered up will never be rendered and thus never reach the ROP).

So it still looks like 390X performance to me: only 390X advantage is the higher memory bandwidth where we expect compression to even things out.

I've recently gone from expecting "about 390X" performance to leaning towards "at least 390X" performance. But that's all good either way...

The real question is: how much will it OC? If it's excellent there (and AMD have hinted it as one of their 5 major focus areas) then it'll be a super-sweet deal.
26 Aug 2010
Small stores tend to sell at cost to try and win market shar or just list product and break nda to try and get exposure, then they never get stock!

Our pricing will be competitive, hoping for lowest in market and free shipping. :)

I see... Well there you have it folks, RX 480 will be under £215 at OcUK. But by the sounds of it over £200. Pretty sure somewhere someone will hit £200 sweet spot.

A realistic price for the 8GB one might be about £230, which we have known since AMD themselves published pricing.

How is that realistic? That would be price gouging.

Give it a rest already Humbug, you have already ridiculed yourself on a few occasions in this thread, try and keep some dignity and save some face man and just let it go now...

Its obvious to all your feeling bottom hurt by AMD, we get it, they have personally let you down... we are all sorry for you dude...

Now dry your eyes mate, man up and wait for Vega! :)

Exactly. Humbugs posts are starting to make me cringe. The card is clearly not for him. He needs to wait for Vega or get a 1070.

Whats wrong with this?

GeForce GTX 970 EVGA SC

That's £235, the same price as the reference 480.

Are you for real? So much wrong with that it is unreal you are even suggesting it.

You would have to be mad to buy a 970,instead of the 480 8gb.

8 Oct 2015
I just tested witcher 3 on my 7870 ,i7 920 2.66mhz.
Put everything to max including nvidia hairworks and was getting 24 to 30 fps in novagrad at the market area.
Fps did tank to 12fps when i turned around ,but mostly it was at 25 fps running around the town.

I normally play at med/high settings and get 30 to 50 fps,with hairworks off.
So if the 480 will get me 60 fps with maxed out settings,i would be very happy.
18 Oct 2013
far side of the moon
Are you in denial? He's stated in that very videos comments the 980 is faster. I even quoted him as saying that 3dmark score was closer to 970. "Ffs" indeed. How it performs when overclocked or in Xfire is another matter...

He also said he's using dodgy drivers ffs - 980 is faster in 3dmark OH NO - in the videos if you'd bothered to it more than matches 980 at stock in witcher 3.....980 OC - is higher......

as I said he's not got release drivers - you've made up your mind it can only be 970 speeds.......the specs and other things say otherwise....we'll know in a week......
24 May 2011
He also said he's using dodgy drivers ffs - 980 is faster in 3dmark OH NO - in the videos if you'd bothered to it more than matches 980 at stock in witcher 3.....980 OC - is higher......

as I said he's not got release drivers - you've made up your mind it can only be 970 speeds.......the specs and other things say otherwise....we'll know in a week......

Yup we will and you've clearly made up your mind. The issue you have is that if it does match 970 you'll think it's a failure, whereas I wouldn't. £200 approx for a lower power, less temps and better heat output would be a winner in my books.
2 Jun 2016
This threads not about the GTX1060 if you or others want to wait to see how it does compared to the RX480 certainly feel free to do so. I see no basis yet to expect a 1060 to beat an RX480 or if it is going to be priced similarly and worth waiting for instead.

Hang on a second...........

I don't appreciate being accused of derailing the thread when you're the one who brought that 1060 into the thread with the link you originally posted and then you asked me a question about the 1060 which I answered.

There's no need to play the "AMD Card" because comparisons will always be made between cards whether they're from the same or a rival manufacturer.
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