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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

So you made an account just to post that tweet from a few months ago? to what end or point are you trying to make? /trollmode engaged?
Well it very much backs up what I was talking about. AMD have produced hardware with more potential(often resorting to bigger dies, too), but Nvidia's emphasis on drivers have meant their GPU's come out swinging harder on Day 1, which is what most people remember, and not unjustifiably.
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Nope. You're confusing the long-term driver improvements from AMD as 'finesse' when it's really just poor Day 1 drivers, leaving more room for improvement later.

AMD's lackluster DX11 drivers have been well demonstrated by this point.

funny though, the hardware seem to be working perfectly fine even better than comptition with a better API, yes AMD had driver issues and lacked with day 1, but the fault is mostly on the API side, DX11 just sucked on all levels.

Right, I forgot about rushed UWP releases like these.

I figure most UWP releases will skew AMD simply because the whole premise behind the platform is not to spend much extra time optimizing for PC in general.

well nobody wants to use UWP, and hopefully M$ got the message, they said they will be putting their games on steam also, but thats microsoft talking, gotta see if they really start walking.
funny though, the hardware seem to be working perfectly fine even better than comptition with a better API, yes AMD had driver issues and lacked with day 1, but the fault is mostly on the API side, DX11 just sucked on all levels.
Blaming DX11 is fanboy level nonsense of an excuse, sorry. You didn't even try there.

well nobody wants to use UWP, and hopefully M$ got the message, they said they will be putting their games on steam also, but thats microsoft talking, gotta see if they really start walking.
UWP is actually promising for providing low-cost, easy-to-develop multiplatform titles. That is something very valuable for developers.

Obviously UWP is a big work-in-progress and has a long way to go to get up-to-par with what we expect from PC titles, but they are definitely working on it. Either way, I dont think people realize that UWP *is* the compromise to bring Xbox titles to PC. It isn't gonna happen any other way as 1st party titles are developed closer to the metal than normal 3rd party multiplatform games, meaning doing ports of them is more difficult. UWP solves that, though it comes with the issue of..........well...UWP's issues. And also being very AMD-biased in terms of low-level optimization.

As for their Steam releases, I can promise you that their big AAA 1st party titles will not come to Steam. When they say they'll have UWP releases on Steam, they surely mean 3rd party games and their indie funded endeavors. They've already put MS-published games like Ori and the Blind Forest on Steam, so it's not anything new. People expecting Forza, Gears or Halo or whatever on Steam are simply dreaming, though.
So you made an account just to post that tweet from a few months ago? to what end or point are you trying to make? /trollmode engaged?

There was a debate who made the more powerful chip. I think that Carmack might have a better insight on the matter. So AMD has more powerful hardware, but it can't be utilized as well as Nvidias.
You say that like it's a bad thing. You can't blame the Devs GCN is in the consoles.
Well yes, it is. It's not that I blame the devs, it's the fact that the port-a-code nature of it means that a large share of the market is going to have more issues. Far more than any AMD-biased DX11 game because the optimizations run much deeper.

Of course, if you're one of those people who likes to cheer for certain corporate entities, then yea, it's fantastic if you're an AMD drone , but well, I'm not one of them. I try and look at the big picture and I see that extra specialization that only suits one group of users at the expense of the other as a bad thing, yes. Particularly when it's not optional. We're not talking a situation like just turning Hairworks off or something.
to all the haters...."your not singing any more...your not singing your not singing.."

Words fail me. Is that the level of intelligence you're happy to be displaying in this thread?

"Haters" and "fanboys"... you'd think we were all grown-ups here and above such nonsense.
yes that's the level I'm at :) (I never mentioned fanboys btw..thats on you)

can no one have a bit of fun in here unless its at amds expense?
it's fantastic if you're an AMD drone

My most recent GPU purchase was a 980Ti, upgraded (IMHO) from 290X Xfire, certainly no corporate fangirl.

It sucks that the gaming industry in large focused on consoles and PC's became an afterthought for the most part. Couple this with the fact that both of todays and the next consoles sport GCN, we are bound to see more and more GCN optimised titles.

The fact that AMD GPU (PC) owners are getting free performance under DX12, as they are no longer at the mercy of the frankly "old dog" like DX11 drivers; is great for them. Nvidia will not see such benefit as their DX11 drivers were simply "that good" to begin with that the hardware is nearly always able to hit it's full potential.
Maybe this GCN in consoles will force nvidia to seel their parts at reasonable prices? I think it's great that it's going this way tbh. Nvidia will price themselves out of the market before long.

Imagine ps or xb going with nvidia parts... The consoles would need to be silly prices and they are high enough as it is.
well looking at the leaks about overclocking, it seem that AMD made quite the concession to bring the price down, makes me wonder if the limitation is just cooler or pcb also.
would the reference be a good gpu to put under a waterblock or have to wait for custom pcb.
i also expected AIBs to announce their custom cards by now, which means it might take mid/end of july to get them.
My most recent GPU purchase was a 980Ti, upgraded (IMHO) from 290X Xfire, certainly no corporate fangirl.

It sucks that the gaming industry in large focused on consoles and PC's became an afterthought for the most part. Couple this with the fact that both of todays and the next consoles sport GCN, we are bound to see more and more GCN optimised titles.
I created a whole thread to debunk this myth.

It was quickly shot down by tons of people who had no idea what they were talking about or went off on some unrelated tangent.

But anyways, PC versions of multiplatform games are more prioritized than they have EVER been in the history of multiplatform games. So this is patently untrue, already. And in fact, there's quite a lot of games that are built for PC first, console as a later priority.

As for there being more GCN-optimized titles, this is possible, but not necessarily a given. For one, PC development has a lot more than just different GPU architectures to worry about, and in general, they dont optimize towards one specific spec because it's not good business to only run well with one brand. In fact, any brand that considers PC as a serious platform would probably not prioritize one brand over another, especially not a brand that makes up a minority percentage of potential market. In the end, DX11 makes this abstraction quite easy to deal with.

The fact that AMD GPU (PC) owners are getting free performance under DX12, as they are no longer at the mercy of the frankly "old dog" like DX11 drivers; is great for them. Nvidia will not see such benefit as their DX11 drivers were simply "that good" to begin with that the hardware is nearly always able to hit it's full potential.
They aren't getting 'free performance' at all, though.

Once again, I think people completely misunderstand what DX12 is. Or even what DX11 and API's are at all. Most of DX12's feature-level capabilities have actually been recently been enabled in DX11.3.

You are correct that Nvidia will benefit less with current architectures because their drivers were always way ahead, but as I mentioned elsewhere, this may not negatively affect them unless they commit the same strategy when these API's are more commonplace. They're probably well aware of all this, though. Nvidia are a very 'here and now' company. For better or worse.
For the first time ever, i think, i agree with Carmack.
What do you mean 'for the first time ever'?

In what world have you found yourself in a position to realistically counter Carmack's thoughts on technical matters? lol

Seriously, dont give yourself too much credit. I think you've forfeited that greatly with all your postings the past month or so. And those credentials are even more forfeit with the idea that you somehow think that one of the most innovative, forward thinking technical geniuses of all-time is somehow below you. I mean, I just cant even fathom the kind of arrogance that requires.
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Maybe this GCN in consoles will force nvidia to seel their parts at reasonable prices? I think it's great that it's going this way tbh. Nvidia will price themselves out of the market before long.

Imagine ps or xb going with nvidia parts... The consoles would need to be silly prices and they are high enough as it is.

I'm not so sure, Nvidia are struggling to keep up with demand on their (IMHO) overpriced 10 series.

In terms of price/perf DGPU market feels weird to me right now, kinda stagnant. I mean we've just had the 10 series launch with the 1080 selling at where the 1080Ti should be and the 1070 where the 1080 should be. Then we get the 480 with 390X performance at a 390 price point. :confused:

But anyways, PC versions of multiplatform games are more prioritized than they have EVER been in the history of multiplatform games. So this is patently untrue, already.

Today yes I agree, over the last few years there has been a big push back into the PC side from the gaming industry, prior to that not so much.
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I'm not so sure, Nvidia are struggling to keep up with demand on their (IMHO) overpriced 10 series.

In terms of price/perf DGPU market feels weird to me right now, kinda stagnant. I mean we've just had the 10 series launch with the 1080 selling at where the 1080Ti should be and the 1070 where the 1080 should be. Then we get the 480 with 390X performance at a 390 price point. :confused:

They are struggling to produce an acceptable quantity.
The problem is TSMC has far bigger customers (Apple, a Qualcomm, a MediaTek és a Xilinx) than NV and the bigger ones get the productin time first.
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