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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

3 people banned for mentioning competitors.

Pretty productive morning.

If you guys want to remain here today+tomorrow to discuss the release of this new card then stop breaking forum rules.

Linking to, mentioning names and prices are all against the forum rules.

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So 3 only? Not over 9000? Disappointed now ;)

Onwards and upwards. Launch day! Just remember everyone to read more than one review, if drivers have been changed within the last few days as AMD have been withholding drivers as we've been informed, and some clock better than others, you know SOMEONE will manage to use the older drivers or have a bum clocking and slate the card lol

There's always one... (at least)

It's not the VEGA 490. We also need to remember this and where this card will sit in the stack :)
How much of a upgrade (%) will this card be over a hd5770 you think. Was not interested in gaming till MS made Forza available on win 10. Will it handle it at 1080p? Or maybe a rx470 will be good enough? Or is a card from Nvidia better (what card) ? Must also be able to handle Project Cars at decent settings. Anyone?
RX470 should be enough for 1080p/60fps and 2x/4x MSAA with Forza Motorsport no problem.

And you definitely want AMD if this series is your priority. Definitely runs better on AMD hardware:

Though I do wonder how much of that is due to the extra vRAM on the 390......still, looks a much better bet and it makes sense it'll run better on GCN.

As for how much of an upgrade it'll be, even the 470 may as well exist in a different universe. It wont just mean better performance, it will mean being able to play games that your 5770 simply would sputter and cough at trying before crashing, if it would even load up in the first place.
Given what we've seen on heat/power requirements, it would be safe to say they may well justify it, BUT whether the cost will be worth it is another thing.
It seems somewhat obvious the reference cards are aimed at hitting a price point, and without putting any fancy Founder Edition wording on it whereas the AIB ones should be able to do a better job, even if they do cost another 40+$ equivalent; there is also the possibility the AIBs in some cases my cherry pick cores/core batches, but we will need to see!

The overclocked cards won't be anywhere as nice in terms of power consumption either, I'd expect to see in the region of 200W; that said if this can push them past GTX980 levels, that may be a worth compromise. IF the price and rest of the package is right.
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RX470 should be enough for 1080p/60fps and 2x/4x MSAA with Forza Motorsport no problem.

And you definitely want AMD if this series is your priority. Definitely runs better on AMD hardware:

Though I do wonder how much of that is due to the extra vRAM on the 390......still, looks a much better bet and it makes sense it'll run better on GCN.

As for how much of an upgrade it'll be, even the 470 may as well exist in a different universe. It wont just mean better performance, it will mean being able to play games that your 5770 simply would sputter and cough at trying before crashing, if it would even load up in the first place.

970 3.5gb got spanked by a 380 no less! Damn.

Imagine what 480 will do......it will destroy @ 980 never mind the gimped 970...

Let's get the prices up ocuk! Want to order one.
3 people banned for mentioning competitors.

Pretty productive morning.

If you guys want to remain here today+tomorrow to discuss the release of this new card then stop breaking forum rules.

Linking to, mentioning names and prices are all against the forum rules.

Another reason to buy the RX 480 I've found is a lack of other choices. I want a DX12 card cooler and quieter than my old 7970's and can drive 1440p. I don't want to spend over £500 on a single GPU however. I did consider the 1070 but I also would like to upgrade my monitor and don't want to be tied to GSync and the extra cost that entails.

That leaves me with only the RX 480 at this point, a much cheaper but not as powerful GPU but also cheaper Freesync monitors in the future. If the AIB versions look good for 1440p I'll probably migrate it to the wife's pc in the future and upgrade to a Vega when they arrive.
Well at the moment I'm not desperately needing a new gpu so I might wait for aftermarket to be released just incase. Hopefully it should be here sooner rather than later so I can get my much needed upgrade..

My fingers are crossed it'll run 1440p freesync at max or very close.. Might be hoping for a tad to much though :P
Another reason to buy the RX 480 I've found is a lack of other choices. I want a DX12 card cooler and quieter than my old 7970's and can drive 1440p. I don't want to spend over £500 on a single GPU however. I did consider the 1070 but I also would like to upgrade my monitor and don't want to be tied to GSync and the extra cost that entails.

That leaves me with only the RX 480 at this point, a much cheaper but not as powerful GPU but also cheaper Freesync monitors in the future. If the AIB versions look good for 1440p I'll probably migrate it to the wife's pc in the future and upgrade to a Vega when they arrive.

I just want something good enough to run most games at decent frames at decent settings at 1440p - that's why I feel slightly disappointed that AMD couldn't make a full fat polaris for around £300, as that is the sweet spot imho. Freesync is a huge selling point for me as well, as I wouldn't want to pay more for the same.
I won't be buying one but I do hope it turns some market away from nvidia. We do need a bit of competition or we'll all be paying 2 grand for our cards in 5 years.
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