Rainbow 6: Siege - Closed Beta

Been playing it since the 21st in the closed technical test, played the alpha as well, its pretty fun if you have a good team that plays it properly, rather than run'n gun in. Graphics have improved since the alpha, bit better textures on release should look a tad better.
I've been playing for the last few days on the closed technical test (doesn't mean I'm any good mind, lol), if any of you guys are playing and have a mic feel free to add me, Uplay Username 'DJ_Bucho'
I can't find it and I dont have the email? I got email before saying I've got access, noting in uplay client either, there is option add a key though, but dont think i got the key anymore. wtf?

Tried putting code in the uplay it says it dont work.


You’ve successfully secured guaranteed closed beta access. We’ll contact you via email at a later date with instructions."

did they email? did they ****
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Still not appeared in my UPlay :(

After entering my beta key into http://www.rainbow6.com/beta I received this email...
Thanks for redeeming your Closed Beta access code

We are happy to confirm you that you have guaranteed Closed Beta access to Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege on PC*
We will contact you per email as soon as the Closed Beta starts.

Thanks for your support!
but I've yet to hear anything more or have the game pop up in the UPlay client :(
I'm more interested in CO-OP Terrorist Hunt, loved it on Vegas.

Nice one Bull****soft, great to way to alienate your fan base with a game that hasn't even been launched yet, promised beta from the 24th it's now the 25th still no access. I'm not surprised to be honest.

Worst company ever. I might not even get the game after this fiasco.
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