Rainbow 6: Siege - Closed Beta

Yeah I'm really bored with this already.

Majority of the gadgets and stuff are fairly useless, borderline ineffective. I

f you get a team thats not particularly good they just get stomped in about 10 secs then its back to waiting 20 mins to get another game.

Maps are actually pretty good, but its irrelevant how well you set up your defenses and stuff cos most of the time a shield attacker will just walk straight up to the objective pistol shotting everyone on his way through.

Just seems really lacklustre and has done nothing to make me want to keep playing so far

Disagree with Gadgets being useless. Play with 5 Friends and the game becomes on another level.
Shield isn't OP if you know how to take him down, Gadget or flank or Control fire into his feet/shoulder.

Agree with maps they really good so far.
The matchmaking is utterly rubbish, latency is a huge issue, and I don't buy any of that rubbish about it not using P2P for the game connection. The game itself, when you're in, is pretty good. But I'm afraid that for a PC game today, proper hosting should be a given, not this stupid rubbish that they've implemented.

When it works is superb.. Very fast to find games so you can take that has feedback to what its trying to archive.. It is using P2P but only for its voice chat a lot of games do this.

Can't believe am defending Ubisoft here but when something needs defending based on server performance on a Beta for a unreleased game you after understand these things happen.
Take a look at any big online budget release they all have server issue COD, BF3/4 PS2 all had issue just to name a couple..
Like it but dont love it, rounds dont last long enough and no revive

They is you just need to be injured. Rounds will start lasting longer the more people get learning the game. We had some real challenging matches last night.

I agree and if there's only going to be 2 modes it loses even more appeal.

Terrorist hunt is a good blast and MP becomes more enjoyable as you get better.

Not sure about full release but they is hostage mode that isn't in the beta. Mode limit isn't the main issue here though just look at CSGO that is prity much a single mode game and its played to death.
PLayed a few games tonight, although i appear to be useless i still found it quite fun. I have my routine of entering a building, Climb up to a window, breach, throw a frag grenade in, pop my head out into the window to see if anyone is in there then get it blown off. I need a helmet on a stick like they had on enemy at the gates.
PLayed a few games tonight, although i appear to be useless i still found it quite fun. I have my routine of entering a building, Climb up to a window, breach, throw a frag grenade in, pop my head out into the window to see if anyone is in there then get it blown off. I need a helmet on a stick like they had on enemy at the gates.

PLayed a few games tonight, although i appear to be useless i still found it quite fun. I have my routine of entering a building, Climb up to a window, breach, throw a frag grenade in, pop my head out into the window to see if anyone is in there then get it blown off. I need a helmet on a stick like they had on enemy at the gates.

Lol, I know that feeling
Hanging off walls is good against CPU but much more difficult PvP if someone is waiting for you ;) quite a few players like going prone and shooting underneath barricades as well, I like the destructible environments it means you have to be on your toes no hiding..
Hanging off walls is good against CPU but much more difficult PvP if someone is waiting for you ;) quite a few players like going prone and shooting underneath barricades as well, I like the destructible environments it means you have to be on your toes no hiding..

I love cluster grenading rooms. On the sas training building the entire building starts to shake.

And cant beat a fully upgraded lmg with heavy armor
Shield IS OP

And the fire accuracy is way to accurate for it, your carrying a big heavy cumbersome shield, holding the handgun sideways and its on point.

AND 5 people with shields, no chance for the opposing team, number of times its happened now and we get ripped to shreds in 1 min.
Unfortunately this game is dead before it's even delivered.

I think times have moved on, where a generation have grown up with certain games and now all ideas/suggestions span from those.

I grew up with the old rogue spear, SWAT and others which were kind of realistic with no craziness in them for the most part.

I've been reading through the feedback/suggestions and some of the stuff people WANT in makes me think perhaps I won't get the game. I've not seen any directional strategy information from Ubisoft in terms of what they want... so this is all just my opinions.

Some suggestions that make me want to cry

- Shotguns with shield
- 3rd Person cover "like vegas"
- Reviving

And in general, the fact that there isn't even doors, you blow/break everything up... is stupid. I'd like to have seen the SAS in the embassy siege, C4ing the walls to bits, blowing up the columns, nading the place to hell and killing every hostage...

The days of realism are getting smaller and smaller niches, and that is a shame I think
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