Ramadan Mubarak

Now who's the troll :rolleyes:

You count that a trolling?
That's not trolling?!

Can I ask you guys;what exactly is the significance of Halal to you?

Halal meat is meat eg: chicken that is slaughtered in a certain way, it's like sacrificing it to Allah, type in Halal slaughter in YouTube.
We can't eat pork as it is never Halal, and fish is always Halal :)
Halal meat is meat eg: chicken that is slaughtered in a certain way, it's like sacrificing it to Allah, type in Halal slaughter in YouTube.
We can't eat pork as it is never Halal, and fish is always Halal :)

Are the slaughter methods shown in any of the following videos halal?

Halal meat is meat eg: chicken that is slaughtered in a certain way, it's like sacrificing it to Allah, type in Halal slaughter in YouTube.
We can't eat pork as it is never Halal, and fish is always Halal :)

But there is certain seafood like some crabs you can't eat right? The ones that live on both land and sea, in Malaysia at least
But there is certain seafood like some crabs you can't eat right? The ones that live on both land and sea, in Malaysia at least

not sure about that, never had crab etc, just cod and salman and tune :) (in seafood) i'm still young and learning about my religion
What's the significance of slitting its throat whilst alive? Why not just use more modern, humane methods?

It kills them quicker, I haven't done it myself yet. For some reason the goat in that video knows that he will be slaughtered so it doesen't move about. It is also cheaper ;P
Electricity is bad.
We also drain the blood from the animal :)
When I am older I will have do that :/
It kills them quicker, I haven't done it myself yet. For some reason the goat in that video knows that he will be slaughtered so it doesen't move about. It is also cheaper ;P
Electricity is bad.
We also drain the blood from the animal :)
When I am older I will have do that :/

Why is this?

(not trying to start an arguement, just curious)
Right, so apparently me pointing out you're not a mod is ironic and laughable. But then you go on about how you'll write what you want and it has nothing to do with me and yet your last few posts have been doing exactly that with me and these other unnamed poster you keep alluding too, trying to tell people what they can and can't write here.

If my irony is laughable, what does that make your hypocrisy?

Was I referring to you?, you seem rather sensitive to what was a general observation as to the motivations of some people in this thread...

I also never said you or any couldn't post anything you want, if I think that you have broken the rules I will use the RTM facility and then it is the purview of the moderation team to decide what they think there judgement is. The only person who has made specific mention telling people they cannot or do not have authority to post is you that I can see.

I clearly said the thread has turned into a car crash and the motivations of some people are questionable, I did not accuse anyone of trolling....I also did not say you cannot post, only that I feel that some of the posts are not in keeping with the positive nature of the thread and I don't think people should have to defend themselves against negativity at every juncture, if they post something negative then question them on it, but that is not always what is happening.

I also said that asking questions and learning about others beliefs is commendable and to be encouraged, but in a positive way.

If this is what you are doing then you have nothing to feel aggrieved about from anything I have said in my last few posts, quite the contrary.

Also there seems to be undue focus on the word 'Troll', given the broad definitions of the slang to include a variety of negative actions regarding the Internet, from off-topic posting, to simple cynical posting, it is somewhat hard to justify the position that trolling is not relevant, at least to some posts in this thread.
Why is this?

(not trying to start an arguement, just curious)

Dunno, wait till someone with more experience than me comes along :)
I think that it is because it makes the chicken/ goat etc not really a sacrifice to Allah, since you won't be slaughtering it in the way Muslims did it before the electricity method was invented
Why is this?

(not trying to start an arguement, just curious)


Also see Halal to get to Dhabihah

I think the reason why there is still some debate on 'stunning' before slaughter being acceptable comes from
"Forbidden for you are carrion, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that which has been slaughtered while proclaiming the name of any other than God, and one killed by strangling, and one killed with blunt weapons, and one which died by falling, and that which was gored by the horns of some animal, and one eaten by a wild beast, except those whom you slaughter; and that which is slaughtered at the altar and that which is distributed by the throwing of arrows [for an omen]; this is an act of sin"

Some more reading for you.

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What's the significance of slitting its throat whilst alive? Why not just use more modern, humane methods?

Over 90% of Halal prepared livestock is slaughtered using stunning, just as it is in regular slaughterhouses....given the requirements of Halal with the raising of livestock, it is fair to say that Halal raised livestock have superior conditions during their life than other forms of raising livestock, particularly intensive or battery raised animals.
Why not question what you are being told instead of following it blindly?

You don't have to do anything. :)

I want to follow my religion, will never change, from a pure Muslim origin (Afghan) but I was not born there, and I was born here. I will never question my religion :)
Just about to eat my dinner after not having eaten all day, not intentionally doing Ramadan Murburak, it's just been one of those days! Wouldn't fancy doing it on a regular basis though. Respect to those that do, it's certainly not easy.
Why not question what you are being told instead of following it blindly?

You don't have to do anything. :)

He is 12. I am sure as he gets older and more informed, both abput his own faith and the alternatives then he will begin to question his beliefs and the justifications behind them, he may decide they still fit in with his worldview, or he may find another interpretation or school of Islam that suits him better...he may find that another relogion or no relogion suits him...

But at only 12, he is still forming those opinion and the very fact that he comes onto and contributes to a forum as diverse as this will only make his education that much broader.
I've already answered that, try reading back up a bit. :rolleyes:

Why, doesnt take away from the comedy that was your reply.

Who are you, Derrren Brown? I was unaware you were able to read minds.

It doesnt take mind reader to know your anti religion viewpoint considering you bang on about it all the time :rolleyes: Plus considering what youve posted in this thread its pretty obvious what your intentions are, heck even a12 year old has you figured :o

Damn it, you got me, I'm losing sleep over this thread being open. Tomorrow I'm going to book an appointment with a councillor about it.

If i remember correctly it was you who was asking a mod to close the thread! Funny enough you lambasting others about being wannabe mods yet doing thesame yourself. So yes i think you should seek councilling regarding your irrational hate towards religion, proven by the fact you cant stay away from the thread, posting garbage.
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