Right, so apparently me pointing out you're not a mod is ironic and laughable. But then you go on about how you'll write what you want and it has nothing to do with me and yet your last few posts have been doing exactly that with me and these other unnamed poster you keep alluding too, trying to tell people what they can and can't write here.
If my irony is laughable, what does that make your hypocrisy?
Was I referring to you?, you seem rather sensitive to what was a general observation as to the motivations of some people in this thread...
I also never said you or any couldn't post anything you want, if I think that you have broken the rules I will use the RTM facility and then it is the purview of the moderation team to decide what they think there judgement is. The only person who has made specific mention telling people they cannot or do not have authority to post is you that I can see.
I clearly said the thread has turned into a car crash and the motivations of some people are questionable, I did not accuse anyone of trolling....I also did not say you cannot post, only that I feel that some of the posts are not in keeping with the positive nature of the thread and I don't think people should have to defend themselves against negativity at every juncture, if they post something negative then question them on it, but that is not always what is happening.
I also said that asking questions and learning about others beliefs is commendable and to be encouraged, but in a positive way.
If this is what you are doing then you have nothing to feel aggrieved about from anything I have said in my last few posts, quite the contrary.
Also there seems to be undue focus on the word 'Troll', given the broad definitions of the slang to include a variety of negative actions regarding the Internet, from off-topic posting, to simple cynical posting, it is somewhat hard to justify the position that trolling is not relevant, at least to some posts in this thread.