Friday is my favourite fast day, have all family around, nieces/nephews/sisters etc about 20 of us and all sit round a huge table toghether, open fast toghether, go to the mosque toghether, is just awesome. Food is incredible, although must admit we do over do it on occasions.
Its like that xmas feeling but everyday for 30 days!
Nope nowhere near me
Oh well
Chicken Cottage all the way!
I actually prefer it to KFC!
You have posted 27 times in this thread, all off topic. Obvious troll is obvious
And above, wrong on so many instances i dont know where to begin....
Only 2 hours to go! Really fancy a KFC today, dying for some fries!!
You have posted 27 times in this thread, all off topic. Obvious troll is obviousSerious question.
Given Jesus is recognised as a prophet by Islam, why would celebrating his birthday be haraam?
And above, wrong on so many instances i dont know where to begin....
In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel. The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam, and a requirement of being a Muslim.
This topic is about wishing a happy Ramadam to the Muslims of this forum (I'm not one btw). Anything else is off topic.
If you'd' like to learn further start a thread and ask there, otherwise off topic posting is by definition trolling.
This topic is about wishing a happy Ramadam to the Muslims of this forum (I'm not one btw). Anything else is off topic.
If you'd' like to learn further start a thread and ask there, otherwise off topic posting is by definition trolling.
This thread is a bit of a car crash to be honest.....whether it is trolling or not trolling, it is still obvious as to the questionable motivations of some people in this thread. It is not entirely unsurprising given the members involved and their prejudices.
This thread is a bit of a car crash to be honest.....whether it is trolling or not trolling, it is still obvious as to the questionable motivations of some people in this thread. It is not entirely unsurprising given the members involved and their prejudices.
That's pretty much it. People come in and troll and troll and their posts are deleted
The fact you even bothered to go through and count how many times I've posted in this thread is just embarrassing.
User Name Posts
estebanrey 31
Castiel 12
mrjagga 12
T345 11
Craterloads 11
The Halk 10
e36Adz 9
I'd like to think that I've never shown any religious prejudice on these forums (or anywhere else). But I do respect your opinion greatly, so I'll bow out of the thread.
Funny, Castiel has probably had just as many posts deleted as mine in thread case you hadn't noticed.
You know if you click on the number of posts on the forum index it shows who has posted how many times in a thread?
To be fair to you, I wasn't referring to you specifically or even at all....but others have been seemingly baiting the thread on a regular basis. many posts have been removed I know, but some of the remaining ones, while not specifically against forum rules do seem unnecessary or seeking a reaction to enable further divisiveness. That is not to say asking questions about ramadan should not be encouraged, quite the contrary, I would encourage everyone to learn more about others beliefs, that is how we combat prejudice after all.......just do so within the positive nature of the thread.
Basically This thread is really just a light hearted one wishing Muslims well in their celebrations and piety.....they shouldn't be forced to defend themselves at every turn, we have and can begin new threads where that kind of discussion and debate can take place, there is no need to use this one.