hmm I dont read namaz can I still rinse my mouth? I do sometimes anyway but is it allowed.
I don't think you can, but best asking an Imam or one of those Islamic forums anonymously.
hmm I dont read namaz can I still rinse my mouth? I do sometimes anyway but is it allowed.
Ramadhan Mubarak to all. I was ill for the first few days so started a couple of days ago. Got the first 3 weeks off work so am sleepin most of it off. Cheeting I know lol but working in a food place, its bloody hard, especially in this weather with hot cooking equipment and food everywhere.
Did you book that holiday time off yourself, or was it given on religious grounds?
It's the first link that came up in google but it was highlighted on a documentary I saw where they actually tested meat randomly from HALAL and non halal shops and found it to contain pork, this is meat that was being sold as beef or chicken. Now unless you see the animals born, raised and halaaled yourself with your own eyes, you have little chance it is actually halaal, that's the reality.
Aint fasted today had all the time too aswell, dunno y im so unreligious thesedays..
For example you could go to Italy and eat the meat and assume the meat is halal without asking as thier religion requires them to also butcher meat in the name of god/allah.
Italy is a Christian country and Christianity does not do ritual slaughter so I am not sure why you would even assume it?
Italy is a Christian country and Christianity does not do ritual slaughter so I am not sure why you would even assume it?
i may have the reasons mixed up, ill have ask him but im sure he used italy as a example. how they butcher is probaby where ive mixed up what said. have christians never done ritual slaughter, even in the early days?
The Italian meat industry isn't exactly known for it's high standards of animal wellfare and they butcher in pretty much the same way as the UK. They are also quite famous for their pork products (ham, salami, etc).
Whilst not exactly sure I would assume that early Christianity practiced as it extricated itself from Judaism but I think there are a couple of passages in the New Testament that are actually against ritual slaughter.
Like i said im not sure the reason, but thats what was our debate against what he was saying. Like you said the current industry is not how it use to be.
Indeed, it is probably much better than it used to be, much like most of the UK meat industry is much better than it used to be. However there will have been little or no chance of prayers being said over an animal at slaughter for hundreds of years at the very least.
I can honestly see no reason as to why you would think Italian meat is OK yet British meat is not just because Italy is a Catholic country. It would be like thinking meat from the Republic of Ireland is OK despite them having almost identical animal wellfare laws to us.
Oh forgot to mention it was something to do with being in a foreign country. Spain was also mentioned i think, and the UK.
It was complicated, and i shouldnt really comment as i wasnt really paying attention at the time. As you suggested Christianity is derived from judaism so its probable that meat was slaughtered in gods name.
Damn thats bad, so how do I know if my local butchers choosa is real or fake?
I was wondering this as well......Italy is a fairly pious Catholic country and Catholicism doesn't have the same strictures on ritual slaughter as Islam or Judaism. Unless he counts saying Grace before eating, but I can't see a Muslim saying 'For what we are about to recieve......', can you?