As I've mentioned a few times, I've been designing and testing a paintball box magazine that works with the Planet Eclipse EMF100 (and potentially the DYE DAM). My new MicroSwiss Direct Drive was giving me lots of headaches, but seems like flow rate (and possibly an overtightened Eccentric nut on the gantry) was the cause of my issues. Field testing of the badly printed and assembled parts went extremely well, and both box mags performed stunningly.
Anyway... since I'll be looking to selling this in mostly kit form, and some 'completed', I had been relying on electronic boards to do the control from other manufacturers. These cost from $20 to $40, and the ones I am using are getting very rare. So.. where did this 3D printed adventure lead me? Designing my own programs on a Digispark ATTiny85 dev board (around $3.20 each, and obviously I'll need a lot of other compenents), and potentially having my own PCB's made up in order to do everything I need. We'll see. But I did not expect to be going this route at all.
At the end of this, I 'may' end up with a design that is completely my own with no other manufactures parts. Right now, I'm using the electronic board, and drive components from a paintball hopper/loader, but with my own printed system to hold/contain it all. I may end up making my own drive system (although the 'cogs' part does concern me for longevity).
Anyway... since I'll be looking to selling this in mostly kit form, and some 'completed', I had been relying on electronic boards to do the control from other manufacturers. These cost from $20 to $40, and the ones I am using are getting very rare. So.. where did this 3D printed adventure lead me? Designing my own programs on a Digispark ATTiny85 dev board (around $3.20 each, and obviously I'll need a lot of other compenents), and potentially having my own PCB's made up in order to do everything I need. We'll see. But I did not expect to be going this route at all.
At the end of this, I 'may' end up with a design that is completely my own with no other manufactures parts. Right now, I'm using the electronic board, and drive components from a paintball hopper/loader, but with my own printed system to hold/contain it all. I may end up making my own drive system (although the 'cogs' part does concern me for longevity).