Random 3D printing chatter

Well my Prusa Mini kit arrived. Put it together over the last 2 days, took it really slow, read all the instructions online and all the customer comments on each step. Probably a slightly excessive 16 hours from opening the box to power on, but I wanted to really understand what I was doing.

Test and calibration took maybe 30 minutes and then first couple of prints. I'm shocked by how good this is. I used to work with a bloke, maybe 12 years ago who was into 3d printing and he'd bring in these lumps of plastic and we'd all try to guess what they were meant to be. :D

The benchy is about half way through and looks pretty good so far. Suppose I better install Blender and start learning a bit more.

Ooh keep us updated, as I've actually been looking at a prusa mini for some terrain and parts printing
Ooh keep us updated, as I've actually been looking at a prusa mini for some terrain and parts printing
Will do. The benchy came out amazingly well. Just printing the nut and bolt test pieces. I'll add some photos later. No doubt I'm in the honeymoon period and at some point will run into issues. :D

Edit to add:

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And then my first failure. Might not have cleaned the bed before this one, not sure. And the patio door was wide open. It clearly started to lift off the bed at one end and then fell over.

Interestingly, Ive retried it with all the doors closed, no draft in the room and a really good IPA clean and it warped/lifted only a tiny bit, but it got knocked over by the head in exactly the same place. Maybe I need to get the model and try slicing it myself. All good fun though. :D

Hi all, So I wouldn't normally post a "Like this for me" type post BUT I really want to win this. E3D is giving away one of their ToolChanger's and I love the idea of multi tool machines like this. I have seen them with 4 3D printer tools which just seems a waste, I would add 4 different tool including a tiny router, maybe a laser and a couple of tools I'd need to create. Anyway the contest is to enter a multi colour print and the one with the most likes wins. This is my entry it's the Cheshire Cat by reddadsteve, which I actually glued together from multiple parts. I even have Glow in the Dark filament for his smile
. Here's the link to add a like to my post. https://fb.me/e/1NfqNvlUw (You have to click on the discussion tab, and then scroll until you find my post).

Thank you, James.

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Came out OK for a first print. Pressure Advance needs tuning and I could do with turning up the retraction amount I think.

Hey all,

Last day in the e3d and errf multi material contest, if anyone would like to "like" my entry on Facebook the link is here, just click on discussion and look for my entry the Cheshire Cat :). https://www.facebook.com/events/852770988963384


What's people's thoughts on the New quick nozzle change hot end from E3D?

I was a beta tester for the final revision of the Revo Micro, I really liked it. Heated up super quick and the cold, toolless nozzle changing was really nice.
@bulb66 Was looking for some evidence of this on E3D's site and couldn't find anything but the tool changer. As if by (creepy stalking) magic, Google recommended this article an hour or so later. Is this what you mean? https://3dprintingindustry.com/news...-printer-hotend-range-rapidchange-revo-196938

Otherwise I kept finding the Wham Bam Mutant V2 (manual tool changer).

Yes that's the E3D Revo, here a post on their website https://e3d-online.com/blogs/news/rapidchangerevo

So the Revo currently has 3 models, Revo 6 (drop in V6 replacment), Revo Micro (Smaller, lighter, threaded mount) and then the Hemera with Revo.

So Revo is the round heater, with built in thermistor and the ability to do room temp, tool less nozzle changes. 4 nozzle at launch 0.25, 0.4, 0.6 & 0.6.

They also have a new Nozzle on display at the TCT show, the ObXidian nozzle.

More details on the E3D twitter
I like the way they call it rapid change and then proceed to show a video of half a mile of really fine thread being unscrewed! I do like the idea but I'm a sucker for such things. The better heater block seems a good idea and also not needing (as far as I can tell) to carefully balance how far you screw in one side vs the other and how hard etc and still get the block pointing in an orientation that it'll fit and stay put - round's a great improvement on that front.
Might be more interested once I get the Hemera that's sitting on my desk fitted. That needs a new board, which needs programming, and a new enclosure and umpteen other things that have meant it's got pushed to the bottom of my 'round tuit' pile.
After reading this thread for some time, I finally entered the 3d printing space (In a mildly unusual way :-) )

Picked up a PrintrBot Play at the local car boot sale as "Broken not working" for £10. Checked it over and after a bit of messing it seems to work ok now. Had to sort out jamming nozzle and the Z calibration seemed to be somewhat off, but otherwise all is good.

Then, i spotted a load of stuff at the local auction and against all common sense I picked up what appears on the face of it to be a load of old rubbish! but in there, there is a Prusa i3 and a bunch of 3/4 built prototype printers, around 5 or 6 control boards and a load of already printed parts for the above. If i can get enough together to make one decent working unit then I will be happy (Mrs will be happier if i can then get rid of the excess)

It all looks like something of a large rabbit hole that I am standing on the edge of though :p
After reading this thread for some time, I finally entered the 3d printing space (In a mildly unusual way :) )

Picked up a PrintrBot Play at the local car boot sale as "Broken not working" for £10. Checked it over and after a bit of messing it seems to work ok now. Had to sort out jamming nozzle and the Z calibration seemed to be somewhat off, but otherwise all is good.

Then, i spotted a load of stuff at the local auction and against all common sense I picked up what appears on the face of it to be a load of old rubbish! but in there, there is a Prusa i3 and a bunch of 3/4 built prototype printers, around 5 or 6 control boards and a load of already printed parts for the above. If i can get enough together to make one decent working unit then I will be happy (Mrs will be happier if i can then get rid of the excess)

It all looks like something of a large rabbit hole that I am standing on the edge of though :p

Sounds like you got some goodies to play with, I have a few Printrbot printers in my collection so if you need any advice please start a thread and I'll help if I can.

You say a Prusa i3 but is it a genuine Prusa i3? As the name has been used by clone for a long time.
I don't think it's an original i3. from nosing round a couple of USB keys that were in there, it looks like the guy who had it all was making his own clones made with wood/plywood. I have checked out the details as best I can, and it looks like they may have folded back in 2016 or so. I will have to update things here once I have a clue what everything is :-)
Hey all,

Last day in the e3d and errf multi material contest, if anyone would like to "like" my entry on Facebook the link is here, just click on discussion and look for my entry the Cheshire Cat :). https://www.facebook.com/events/852770988963384


What's people's thoughts on the New quick nozzle change hot end from E3D?

I was a beta tester for the final revision of the Revo Micro, I really liked it. Heated up super quick and the cold, toolless nozzle changing was really nice.

I looked at the Revo micro for £100.
But since I only use ABS\PLA\PETG I see no point in making new parts to fit it.
Do you or would you like to change nozzle size more easily?

I can do that now on the CR6 SE.
Heat up to 240---un screw and replace.
And then do a auto bed level.

But I can see china bringing out a version very soon.
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