Random 3D printing chatter

The bed no longer sticks PLA no matter what I do to it so I ordered a flex plate for it, the original bed was great for a long time though.

Had that issue quite recently. IPA didn't help, Acetone didn't help. Eventually I found a suggesting to try Dawn dish soap (or Fairy liquid over here) and I tried that on some kitchen towel and then 'rinsed' with some wet kitchen towel (because my glass bed is welded to the magnetic base of the bed) and that worked brilliantly. Worth a go for ha'penny worth of Fairy! :D
Had that issue quite recently. IPA didn't help, Acetone didn't help. Eventually I found a suggesting to try Dawn dish soap (or Fairy liquid over here) and I tried that on some kitchen towel and then 'rinsed' with some wet kitchen towel (because my glass bed is welded to the magnetic base of the bed) and that worked brilliantly. Worth a go for ha'penny worth of Fairy! :D

Thanks, definitely worth a try!
As above. Hot water and soap. If you run your plate under hot water, you will see the PLA residue starts changing the plate color as it heats up. PLA is real greasy. When I get issues I do indeed wash my plate, then clean it with windex after.
Have tried it on my CR6 bed which was also degrading and losing it's stickyness, it definitely seems better now. I'm having to wait for the bed to cool right down before it will come off :)
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Cr10s pro v2? After my first printer and would like a big bed, has a few things I’ve read are good like the touch sensor etc.
Well that's the kind of thing that can ruin your day. Easy/cheap to replace or something you need to try fixing? Helicoil and thermal grease?
Swapped nozzles.... Promptly stripped heater block with little to no force. Darnit.

Time for E3D Revo?

Available in a V6 compatible heatsink and Hemera too. Plus Voron coldside announced and more soon. And new ObXidian nozzles coming soon.
Ooo nice. Been very curious on these. Let us know what you think in a few months of use.


For my issue, it is just a new heater block for 15 dollars. This shouldn't be a typical consumable part. The good thing about the MSDD is that it can be used in a high heat case and feeding is great. Having to check it all the time is a pain.
Little bit of relaxing wiring on a Wednesday evening , hopefully have T3 wired in and ready to use by the weekend.

Well, the top bit is relaxing....but the lower part is still giving me jitters! ;):p
I'll swap you. I'm part-way through a full ATX, EPS, PCIE-8, PCIE-6 full wire-up in 18AWG silicone wire with paracord sleeving. I've stopped as I ran out of wire!
Finally received my replacement heater block for my MSDD. Now trying it out with PETG Carbon Fibre and a 0.6 hardened nozzle.

Cali cube came out pretty darn great tbh. Next I am going to be doing a grip frame for a paintball marker.
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Hi all, I have an Ender 3 v1 which I've not used much and has been in storage since Covid.
It's now back out and I'd like to get it printing reliably which I was never able to do so before packing it away.
So before I attempt printing from it again any advice on resolving print bed adhesion issues would be appreciated. I recall I upgraded the bed springs to the yellow ones and not long before packing it all away replaced the print bed for the official glass bed.

I've only one filament, ICE brand, orange PLA.

I recall reading about upgrading it with a "BLtouch"?

For now if I can reliably print small trinkets, keyrings, cookie cutters etc that'd be a good achievement.

The best thing I printed before were Dyson cordless vac tool holders that have lasted really well and the quality was really good, but it took a fair few attempts.
I recall anything with a larger footprint tended to detatch from the print bed 1/2 way through and create a massive mess!

So a couple of pointers in the right direction would be appreciated, I'll share results here as I go. Cheers!
I mostly print with PETG (stronger but mainly it lets me turn off my layer fan which is noisy) but I'd start by making sure your glass is clean. IPA is good but Ive found sometimes you need to clean it with a couple of drops or Fairy liquid (Dawn dishsoap if you're the other side of the pond) on some damp kitchen towel. Or if your glass comes off (mine welded to the magnetic layer) you can wash it in the sink.
I think I had my bed at about 60°C for PLA. Its worth checking that when it registers 60, thst it actually is 60 as mine was something like 5° off. If the glass is an extra layer, it could be cooler on the top than the thermistor reads.

What slicer are you using? I'm rather unusual (it seems) in that I use Fusion 360 to design and then slice directly. It's convenient but not as mature (for 3D printing at least) as something like Cura. It is developing though.

Start by cleaning your bed and if thst doesn't help, list your speeds and some of us can tell you if any are off. First layer should be slower and must squish down a bit to get adhesion and that's down to levelling. My bed is done with the A4 paper method but with a bit of drag noticeable at each corner.
Printed some things in CF PETG, and was very surprised to find it less rigid/stiff than plain PETG. Current max temp is 260 on my hotend and 260 is the top temp for the filament it reckons. Not sure if I should try different firmware for a higher temp, in attempt to make it stiffer?

Thought you guys might like the off-the-wall'ness of this. Some idiot managed to run his mobile round the washing machine and water got in....after the helpful rotation cracked the glass. Repair guides said you could remove the backplate (which I want to do to help dry it) by using a hairdryer to heat the glue or by using a hot plate.....yeah, like I have one of those lying around! Oh, hang on, that's exactly what a 3D printer bed is! :D Wish me luck, it's kill or cure time!
Does anyone have experience of the Ender 3 Max?

I've basically settled on an ender model due to community support, parts availability etc. and I'd settled on a max due to print space and the metal extruder already included. I was going to also add and auto bed levelling setup to this out of the box.

I've then stumbled across a doom thread on the model on reddit which has put me off again.

Tempted to just go with the v2, but would have liked the extra bed size?
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