Well my first calibration cube is quite the mess:
I am not sure even where to start from here!?
Any advice appreciated
Lots of rubbish came out of it when I first ran it. Should I consider taking it apart and giving it a good clean through?Hmm, needs a few minor tweaks and you've cracked it
Check the printer actually had a nozzle fitted?
Since your first reply to me I have updated (I think? Upload was successful but there doesnt seem to be a single thing different on the printer) the firmware. Checked the belts(Nothing seemed loose). Leveled the bed (As best as I can).Well a part cooling fan is needed for sure but that's not the issue here.
What have you done since you're first post which I replied to? Firmware updated?
Things to check: belt tension, are the pulley's on the stepper shafts slipping? General looseness of things.
Since your first reply to me I have updated (I think? Upload was successful but there doesnt seem to be a single thing different on the printer) the firmware. Checked the belts(Nothing seemed loose). Leveled the bed (As best as I can).
I am considering stripping it down and then fully building it myself so I get a better understanding of all the parts and will know for sure that everything is tight etc.
The shape of the X is not random it has done it now on 3 attempts with the same shape every time.
I have observed the nozzle colliding with previous layers especially later on in the cube print. I have had trouble with the Z axis moving freely so am looking into sorting that as well. (potentially the upgrade which was done on the youtube playlist you sent to me.)
Thanks again for all the advice from everyone. Slowly getting my head around these things.
Today I rebuilt the bottom of the printer as I noticed it was really jerking and struggling with the Y axis too. Eventually diagnosed it as the bearing on the pulley the opposite end of the motor was siezed. It was seriously over tightened from the previous owner. The Y axis moves very freely now as expected.I think your idea of rebuilding the printer is a good one.
As for the firmware, firstly what firmware did you use? and next did you make any edits to it? I can see you have different lead screws to 1) the older version of this (It used to have M8? threaded rod) 2) the version I have which has T8 acme screws with a 2mm pitch. So the Z steps would need to be checked.
He was very in depth with his changes. I was hoping to get a base working and tune from there
Next step will be to study Chris's changes and follow his more closely.
Ordered some CF PETG Extreme Pro from Atomic Filament... and also received some high quality Gummi Bears in the package as well. Clearly this is a winning company, and the filament will print like butter now.