Random 3D printing chatter

Hi all, random ask so I thought why create a new thread.

I have a gcode file which I use for printing that works perfectly for levelling etc. However, since creating it, I've created many profiles in Cura ...I've lost track of what was actually working well.

Is there any way to get the settings I used from the working gcode file?

Many thanks in advance :)
Hi all, random ask so I thought why create a new thread.

I have a gcode file which I use for printing that works perfectly for levelling etc. However, since creating it, I've created many profiles in Cura ...I've lost track of what was actually working well.

Is there any way to get the settings I used from the working gcode file?

Many thanks in advance :)
I don't think Cura does it now but you used to be able to import a gcode file to make a profile but I'm talk a couple of years ago that worked.

You can just open it as a text document and the settings will either be listed at the top or bottom as a whole dump of settings.
I don't think Cura does it now but you used to be able to import a gcode file to make a profile but I'm talk a couple of years ago that worked.

You can just open it as a text document and the settings will either be listed at the top or bottom as a whole dump of settings.

I never thought about looking at the end, only the start! I assume it be this stuff:

;End of Gcode
;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Jan22\\nde
;SETTING_3 finition = creality_ender2\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_changes\\
;SETTING_3 nquality_type = standard\\nsetting_version = 19\\n\\n[values]\\nmater
;SETTING_3 ial_bed_temperature = 65\\nsupport_enable = True\\nsupport_type = eve
I never thought about looking at the end, only the start! I assume it be this stuff:

;End of Gcode
;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 4\\nname = Jan22\\nde
;SETTING_3 finition = creality_ender2\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_changes\\
;SETTING_3 nquality_type = standard\\nsetting_version = 19\\n\\n[values]\\nmater
;SETTING_3 ial_bed_temperature = 65\\nsupport_enable = True\\nsupport_type = eve
I don't use Cura that much so not sure how they'll display them but you should be able to get some settings from it.
So I’ve decided I’m going to sod my colour blindness and next year build a Voron 2.4.

To start the ball rolling I’ve just ordered a spool of esun ABS+ in red, an enclosure for my Ender 3 S1 and I’m going to see if I can print the accent parts for the Voron. If I can get successful results I’ll buy a couple of spools in black and do the main parts. I don’t mind tying my Ender 3 up as I use the Prusa Mini more often.
So I’ve decided I’m going to sod my colour blindness and next year build a Voron 2.4.

To start the ball rolling I’ve just ordered a spool of esun ABS+ in red, an enclosure for my Ender 3 S1 and I’m going to see if I can print the accent parts for the Voron. If I can get successful results I’ll buy a couple of spools in black and do the main parts. I don’t mind tying my Ender 3 up as I use the Prusa Mini more often.
If printing the ABS parts is/might be a problem you might want to wait for my first 2.4 video :).
If printing the ABS parts is/might be a problem you might want to wait for my first 2.4 video :).

I’m going to try and print the Z Drive Assembly accent parts this weekend so I’ll see how it goes. It’d be nice if, over the coming months, I can print the parts myself, but if not i can always buy them.

I’m currently watching Thomas Sanladerer’s build streams to get an idea, “looking forward” to the electrics side. I await yours with baited breath.
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I’m going to try and print the Z Drive Assembly accent parts this weekend so I’ll see how it goes. It’d be nice if, over the coming months, I can print the parts myself, but if not i can always buy them.

I’m currently watching Thomas Sanladerer’s build streams to get an idea, “looking forward” to the electrics side. I await yours with baited breath.
Check out Vector3D (Adam) has built 2 2.4s and a V0, his live streams are more in-depth.

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So some success today printing the Voron 2.4 accent parts. On the first part I printed this morning I had no part cooling going, as per the ABS profile in Pusaslicer, and the last few layers, it was one of the belt tensioners top left, were deformed. I set the fan to 10%, that solved that issue and the 4 I then printed were fine. I then printed the first of the 4 z drive baseplates and that suffered from minimal warping. All the parts printed to this point were printed onto a textured PEI sheet so I swapped back to the non textured sheet that came with the printer and printed the remaining 3 with no warping. I printed 1 of the 4 z tensioners and decided to call it a day.

Couple of things. One is the top layer on the prints seems a bit rough so I shall play with temperatures tomorrow and see if that makes a difference. Another is the colour. I'm just not sure I like it enough to use on a £1500 printer. I wish it had been a bit of a brighter red but I need to print one of the corresponding parts that will be black to see what I think. Picking red or green as a colour scheme is fraught with peril as I'm red/green colour blind. If I can get a spool of eSun ABS+ in yellow I might swap the accent parts to that and call the printer, when it's build, Bumblebee.

Also the smell given off by ABS, well contained in the enclosure until I unzip it, seems so familiar to me but I've never worked anywhere that would have melted ABS sop not sure why it's familiar.

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So it's all going reasonably well on the accent parts and I am sticking with the red as I like it with the black. The red prints relatively easily but the black is being a bit of a sod for adhesion and warping. I've ordered a Prusa Mini Satin Sheet from Wedge 3D, that should arrive tomorrow, so I'll see how that goes with the black ABS+.

This is a long old process but as I am saving the money to buy the LDO kit, not in stock in most places, and I don't plan on doing this till next year anyway, I have plenty of time to get the printing done.

I did a 2hr+ live stream unboxing the Siboor Voron v2.4 kit.

Just went through your video, I did FF through to save time, and I look forward to whatever you bring out during your build process. I do hope you cover high voltage electrics in a video.
oh man.. so the tracking number for my V400 I got given, the ship to address was for somewhere in Michigan, and not Pennsylvania. Urgh. Guess I will have to find out what happens next. Frustrating.
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V400. Just wow.

Almost halved my print time even whilst using a 0.4 nozzle instead of a 0.6 and a finer layer height. Wild.

I fully expect to get 2.5x the speed now given I actually printed this working part, to dimensional accuracy and good quality.

This was just the very first print i did. I didn't even set flow up or anything lol. Leveled the bed cold, took a stab at a new slice and sent it.

Very very pleased so far.

EDIT: I will put up pictures in a bit. My basement looks like complete crud, and the printer is on the floor lol.
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So I worked out what the issue was on the rough top surface of my accent prints, over extrusion. I've now reduced the Extrusion Multiplier in Prusaslicer and am getting better results. The parts that I've printed that would show the rough surface clearly I will reprint.

I discovered this when I read the Stealthburner instruction pdf, it said 2 of the parts that had to join together wouldn't if the printer was over extruding so when I printed them they wouldn't fit together. Once I adjusted the Extrusion Multiplier and reprinted, they fit like a glove.

I also test printed my first main colour, black, parts for the Z Idler to see if the over extruded red accent parts would fit and they do so hopefully I won't have to reprint many parts.

Though this is annoying, I should have done all this before I started, nay when I got the printer, it's also an enjoyable side to 3D printing, overcoming issues.
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Is this the correct thread for a couple of random questions?

I keep threatening to buy myself a printer and have found a found a few on local marketplace. These are all either Ender 3, Ender 3 v2, and Ender 3 Pro. My little research suggests the v2 is the better machine. Would this make a good first printer?

How power hungry are these? With heated beds and printer head things, do they use a lot of energy? Cost much to run?
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