Well this thread has finally done it and I've bit the bullet...
Just received a Tamiya TT-02B kit in the post today, and now I'm hiding in the shed ordering the rest of the bits I need...
Kit: https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/58630/index.htm
HopUp wise I've gone for upgraded front and rear hubs, steering rack, and some wheel hexes - gone for 3rd party bits for all these as the cost of the Tamiya versions is insane.
Also got a replacement prop shaft and associated hardware, high speed gear kit, motor heat sink, motor mount, toughened wishbones, better gearbox tops + FRP front and rear shock towers, and a full set of turnbuckles. Managed to get proper Tamiya bits for this lot.
Also got a full replacement screw kit (hex) and a set of bearings (3rd party for both these and not Tamiya as these bits are cheaper and of equal quality to the official bits)
Going to start building tomorrow so I'll post some pics - hoping to return to club racing with it, but will need a few more bits to get it ready for that, (steel dogbones, paint, and, proper 2.2" wheels and tyres mainly).
wow that must have cost a fair whack, i reckon it will be a sweet buggy when finished
Finished. It's heavy but is fun to drive. Gets up to speed quick but is obviously not fast. The 4WS is good, really tight turning circle and skids or drifts a bit when turning and accelerating. Seems fairly stable and handles quite well but haven't taken it anywhere but the back garden yet. Lasts quite a long time off a single charge.
looking awesome m8, i likey like
is it a single motor or multiple ones? 4ws sounds brilliant, looks perfect for a walk in a forest and seeing what it can climb over