Yes that was because 3080s were unicorn cards and FE 3080s were even harder to get thanks to nvidia deliberately drip feeding them and then gave up and made 3080 12GB cards for a £1000 and 3080ti cards for £1200.. It worked as planned for nvidia and then the whole mining, scalping and lockdowns that raised the price of every card.
I don't blame people that gave up in the end and grabbed a 3090fe or any AIB that was sensibly priced as 3080s were basically not far from the 3090FE price at one point. Different circumstances than what we have now and now we have Nvidia creating a manufactured shortage by drip feeding cards again but there is no shortage and all retailers that I can see today have 4090s in at pre-scalped prices that will sit there till they come down to sensible prices..
Nvidia and the AIB and the retailers will loose this battle with the 40 series as they are all over priced including the 4090 that is now nothing more than a 4080 with 24GB and more cuda cores the thing that made a 90 class a 90 class was the ability to use large VRAM and NVLINK to pool the VRAM and CUDA cores, the 4090 should cost no more than £1200 as it is now not a professional card as was the 3090/ti were.. They are downgrades for more money no matter what their performance is they have become gaming cards this generation with 24GB VRAM that only sims and game modders and FARCRY6 can make use of..
It's a disgrace what Nvidia has done to the 90 class and not the first time with 90 class, the original 90 class were dual gpu cards not a single gpu and then they made them single gpu pro cards with NVLINK and then even removed that now. It's a P***take really.
I get what you're saying. The 3090 was ~15% faster in gaming than the 3080. People jumped up and down and refused to pay the AIB prices on release as they felt the £100-£200 increase over FE was a rip off.
Don't think it was so much an FE unicorn though, if Nvidia flooded the market with FE's then AIB's would;dnt bother as there would be no profit for them, if any sales. So FE will always be limited and maybe many of these go to reviewers and AIB's can add cooling and performance enhancements for their models to be better than FE.
WEhat made 3080's unicorn was the mining demand, where mining performance uplift was as good as the gaming uplift. Difference between a gamer and mining corps is that a gamer only buys one card - miners buy by the pallet. So the grey middle men that sit between Nvidia and reatilers could say to retailers - look, miners are buying at X, so you need to buy at X or more, and this cost was passed on to buyers from retailers. A retailer has to get stock to be a retailer. Scalping then didnt help - then the draw of lockdown and the resurgence of PC gaming as something to pass thge time when we were in a pandemic.
People started snapping up 3090's - I'd have done the same if I hadn't got an £850 3080 in the first couple of weeks. The first few that went for 3090's at RRP felt they'd done well when the real shortages started coming. It was a perfect storm for the start of catastrophic rip off.
I imagine partly the pricing is to put off miners as profitability will take longer before a return. Plus Nvidia may have seen everyone else making the profits and thought - I'll have that from the outset of the 4000 series. Everyone who profited from the 3000 series enjoyed that and they are all at it again, though maybe this time Nvidia have ensured that gamers have got the cards this time. Priced them so that you will pay nearer perf/price (4080 yet to be seen).
It's been lose, lose for gamers and I'm not saying the 4000 series isn't overpriced - but to make folk buy this series, Nvidia have pulled out a monumental increase in performance between generations, muddied these days by technologies such as DLSS and fixing DLSS upgrades to generations.
Mining, lockdown, great 3000 series perf upgrade over 2000 made a perfect storm. Nvidia have played this and marketing as a large company very well in business terms.
Gamers of the PC master race have been stung. Not evey PC gamer needs to game at 4k 120hz. But since social media and the younger gen requiring everything
now and have to have the best of the best, easily financed by cheap borrowing has made PC gaming what it is.
You only need a 4090 for UHDUW and above high hz panels, high end VR or multi monitor sim setups. Even on here you see folk buying 4090's for QHD.
The master race wouldnt be a master race if everyone could afford it - this is an enthusiasts forum with people from all budgets.
The PC master race has a new tier. The MASTER MASTER RACE, high resolution, high hz panels, VR headsets and high end cockpit sim setups where even a 4090 will be <50% of the cost of the total setup, but is still the key component to run it properly.
Like every hobby and decision around it - you pays your money and make your choice. Some still buying a 4090 though for QHD which I guess is valid if you have a 240hz+ panel.
Business liked the profits last time, Nvidia missed out a bit I imagine in the 3000, seems high pricing will be controlled by them and reduced around demand by them. Thus far though, the demand for the master master race is strong.