The problem is that they also risk PC gamers moving to consoles increasingly too. Now,it wouldn't affect AMD as much because they make the SOCs for the consoles,but still I would suspect they make more margins on dGPUs. However,for Nvidia it would be much worse for them. But either way I blame Nvidia,because they are pricing their dGPUs poorly this generation.AMD can still charge a decent amount and still be much better value.
If this is true, and its big if, then that is exactly what AMD doing, these GPU's are priced where AMD are making good margins, i assume, while not being stupidly over priced, its not ideal, for us, its a compromise, an acceptable one.
I'm not saying for a second all this is accurate, but if it is i'm ok with it, Nvidia have gone so far off the rails AMD could easily do worse by us and still look reasonable.
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