I've been a bit on and off with this over the weekend but have some progress and plenty of images. Words are of course optional

I went a bit MacGyver and fabricated a tool from extension poles, a tree felling wedge and plenty of duct tape so that I could reach the eaves to clear the soffits of insulation. I really didn't want to clear or crawl over all that insulation! Worked a treat

The MacGyver'ing continues - ripped a length of old board to make my Stick Of Support. Obligatory power tool image

. I'm such a Makita tart.
First few uni-supports in their place.
Then ran a datum line (using strimmer line pulled taught as I'd ran out of string!) and the tri-supports in place, the Stick Of Support guiding the way.
Then some more supports and then crossbeams fitted.
Next section, skipping the uni-supports as these can be placed under the crossbeams later, saves marking out all the joists.
Some more crossbeams fitted...
...and some more.
The previously compressed insulation is really starting to lift now.
Taking of insulation....
The part nobody likes. One roll down.
This insulation has cuts semi-made so makes placement over the crossbeams a lot easier.
The third roll of insulation down.
That's half of the loft done like this but I'll be putting the boards that this section first before moving on.
It's pretty easy stuff, just takes time and feeling like Tarzan going from one truss to another keeping your feet on the joists.