Reading Festival 2007

Indie said:
when you say try.. .does that mean its just a free for all not to get the muddiest place!?

ooo funfun!! :D
no it means dont be a prat and take up what little room people who have actually paid to camp have ;)
im a nice guy, id at least give them beer/drugs if i was going to do that!...

but yeh!... if all else fails... travel lodge reception it is, they wont mind me and my girlfriend kipping on the desks or the breakfast room! will they?
lemonkettaz said:
I dont believe it.

I stretched this morning when i woke up and something clicked...

now i can barely walk fast, and i definitely cant jump.

great.. just as i was about to go insane at leeds festival :( :( gutted

be big! hide the pain and jump around like a total loon....
Kind of started to spreading everything out on the floor and my bed.

6 tops - One for everyday.
2 or 3 hoodies.
1 thick jumper.
2 arabic style scarf thingys.
Toilet paper.
Fingerless gloves.
1 pair of combat trousers.
Pair of swimming shorts so i can shower!!
Sleeping bag.

My tent hasn't been touched since last i may just buy one on site for safety reasons. :o
Decided to go get a new sleeping bag today as I only just realised the cheapo one I've been using fo rthe last 10 years never warms up and I always spend the night freezing :(

Most importanly I've got my green hunters on standby, it's going to be a muddy one :(
Just packed my boot with my stuff.

I have no idea how the other 3 people's stuff is going to fit into my car - my boot's getting on for 60% full :eek:

Still, don't envy a girl friend who's 1.2 3dr clio is fitting her + 3 guys (2 of which over 6ft).
Slow :/

Anyway, off in a few mins, hope you all enjoy yourselves!
Well just woken up and im supposed to be leaving at 2 but I feel like absolute crap and just cant sleep so looks like I may have to pull out at least Im not going to lose £150ish
Here's a list (stolen and edited from else where)

TENT - at least one man bigger than you need, you need to keep your beer and clothes somewhere.
Army tent/gazebo - If one person in the group can bring this, it will give you somewhere dry to drink and socialize when not in the arena.
Sleeping Bag - Good idea unless you wanna get cold.
Mat/air bed - makes it more comfortable
Pillow - I just put a fluffy jumper over a clothes packed rucksack.
Food -Can be bought in the campsite although quite expensive. can be bought cheap from town centre.
Cutlery- Turns out to be useful
Camping stove - If your planning to make any food, you'll need a camp stove or disposable bbq.
Pot - if your using a camp stove, then you'll need a pot to use on it.
Comdoms - Be safe or may come home with a funny itch!
DRUGS -Enough said OH wait :p as in Asprin, pro plus, plasters)
Matches/Lighter - Need to burn things. It's a must....
Hammer - Those bloody tent peggs never go in.(don't think that'll be a problem this year.
Small Knife - Like fire it's a mans essential. Useful!!!
Torches - Un-less you've been bulking up on those carrots.
Batterys - Power those torches and other equipment
Cd player[/b} - again if one person in the group can bring a cd player, then all is good.
Bog Paper - Very Important,, Will be a messy weekend without as all of the paper in the loos gets nicked or runs out
Boots/Wellington boots - The campsites are still very wet, this is an essential this year.
Cash - 50+ ( I budget 50 a day)
Camera - Best taking a disposable one or a cheap digital which you don't mind losing.
Sun tan lotion - It can be quite hot. Hopefully we will need it, but doubt fall.
Jacket/Coat/Poncho - I take a poncho, small easy to carry/put on. Great festival image.
Sunglasses -Handy.
Deodrant -You will Smell BAD after 1 day of moshing etc..
toiletrys - Tooth paste, wet wipes (can have a wipe down everyday, keep that smell at bay) etc
Beer/spirits - What's a festival when your sober. Take plenty, leave in car. Then you can go and collect rather than walking into town, which have sold out.
Friends - Don't forget to bring them, especially if your driving
Extra clothes - Your clothes will get wrecked and lost bring some more
Warm Clothes - It can and has got very cold at night, remember you'll still be up at 3-4am and much much later. Brings Loads of warm clothes, layers is the way forward. Layer up and it traps the heat in. Jumpers, coats. sake sure you can fit one pair of trousers over the other to keep legs warm. Gloves!!
Soft drinks/collapsible water container - You will get very very dehydrated, beer + moshing = lose.. So make sure you either bring loads of soft drinks, or a collapsible water container, you can fill up from a water point.
Bin liners/carrier bags - wrap bog roll, clothes etc in them. Stops it getting wet, aslo can be used as bins.
Chair - I think it's essential, You've been stood up all day. You need to chill out and relax. more comfortable and can be kept dry. Unlike the floor.

TICKETS - you wont be doing anything without them.
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blitz2163 said:
Well just woken up and im supposed to be leaving at 2 but I feel like absolute crap and just cant sleep so looks like I may have to pull out at least Im not going to lose £150ish

pull out!

leave no one behind.. my motto! come on!!

getting picked up at 1ish, going to get all the essentials, booze etc.. then off to a house party in leeds! early tomorrow straight to the magic :)
allllec said:
Totally gutted, my plans of sourcing a ticket have fallen through :(

dosen't look like ill be attending Reading this year. -sobs-

checked gumtree ? loads of reasonable priced leeds ones on my local one.

wish i knew that last week before deciding i wasnt goin to bother and spent the money :/
andy said:
checked gumtree ? loads of reasonable priced leeds ones on my local one.

wish i knew that last week before deciding i wasnt goin to bother and spent the money :/

nice call, although i've only just realised i get no money until sunday :( its gonna be tight. i really really dont wanna buy of a tout :(
Anyone else going to Leeds tommorow?

Any news on what the ground is like, contemplating whether to take my Wellies or not :p
I'm setting off to Leeds in like 20 minutes! :cool:

I have no wellies, hope it doesn't rain as my mates are insisting on camping near toilets :mad:
That is the worst idea known to man! :eek:

Camping near toilets haha. Hope you don't mind sleeping in a pool of **** and **** :p

And the smell! God the smell! :p

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