Recieving end of a kicking. ouch.

Just had the call from the officer handling the case.

No further action in relation to my assault, against the guy that initially attacked me, or the guy that they arrested later for sticking the boot in.

They WILL be doing the guy that "helped out" for resisting arrest, but they told me the CPS wouldn't persuing things on my case. Turns out as i didn't have an independant witness in the doorway with me at the time, it's my word against his, and the the CCTV on the club next door just shows me putting him on the ground and taking affermative action. It makes me out to be the aggressor.

I ____ing give up.
Gutted. I'm going to court next week as a witness to an Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, there are quite a few witnesses so the people that did it should get some form of punishment (although I'm not expecting much).
Of course you didn't know they were there, you were just going out... ;)

I do now ;)

Was a while ago but I don't think I was talking about punishment (the ****'s should be in prison as they can't function in society). But, do things like this stay on record if they were commited when they are a 'minor'.
Are you not worried these little scrotes wont be coming back to do you over for getting the old bill in?

Worrying times, afriad to live on your own street. If i get trouble where i am i normally just tell them where to go. I've got the usual iorn bar in my flat in case anyone tries anything.

This country is a state, and the polices action in this case reflect that. Next time, you know you have to deal with things, sod the old bill.
Unlucky mate, you'll probs get arrested now when he tells the cops you were slinging him aboot, and then him and his mates will come round and put yer windows through for good measure, as nowt will happen to them. :(
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