Red, Brown or Black...

I bought a brown one for both gaming and typing. I have never tried the other ones, but it is a definite improvement from any membrane-keyboard I have had before.

And yes, it even beats the legendary first gen G15 :P

Try your reds for a week first, it takes a while to get used to all mechs i bet.
Well. Its getting delivered tomorrow / saturday so ill give it a little burn in!
YOTS edition as well so theres probably no chance I can get a different switch since theyre in such high demand.
Get some o-ring dampeners if it's the bottoming out sound that's the issue - on the switch sampler pcb I got it makes a huge difference.

I'm still deciding between brown or blue switches for the shine 3, but o-rings are a certainty.
FUnnily enough, I love the bottoming out sound! I would definitely keep the keys on without o-rings.
I should have tested the different types of boards more thoroughly but oh well. Im sure itll be better than a membrane either way
Have the YOTS with me after several journeys to different post offices. MX reds are wonderful!
Dont regret it at all! Blues would have been nice but I do get the double tap problem with them occasionally.

Been writing up some notes for the large part of an hour and I won't lie, Ive never written so much in the time I had. All due to the amazing linear feeling and key sounds. I just dont want to stop typing on it!

I can post pics of the YOTS if anyone would like to see it!
Trying to decide on a new keyboard and considering mechanical, however, not sure which switch would suit me best (nowhere near me where I can try some out)

The main thing that is putting me of mechanical is the noise, I really don't like loud keyboards :p Plus it is pretty costly over membrane keyboards so is it really worth the extra?

Looking at these two:

And if I decide not to get a mechanical, am just going to go with this:

At first I thought brown would be the best but after having a long think about it and reading more about them; red would be quieter, I can quite often be playing games (FPS) for 3-4 hours in a row, not to mention typing a lot so perhaps the "lighter" switches would suit me better? However, my only concern is that they will be too sensitive to touch? Can anyone describe just how light of a touch you need?

I don't really care about durability/how long the keys last as I like to change to something new every 4 or so years and have found all my previous membrane keyboards to last that long.
lol... thanks for keeping me real, Ryan :)

Takes time to get used to these clacky things, but I'm slowly coming around. I wonder if installing those cushioning o-rings would mean I could be less precious with how I hit the keys? Might try it.

Heh :p

You might find it 'less precious' by doing so, but remember these are switches designed to take a lot of battering! So just bash away and think of replacing the thing in about ten years, when you've worn the third set of keycaps away ;)

But if you want them on keys that make a bit of a racket, i'd recommend sticking some o-rings on them. :)

- Hard to describe Nexus. IMO, the closest for activation compared to a membrane keyboard is slightly lighter than blacks, with the macbook keys feeling as light as my brown switches.
Thanks Ryan :)

Yeah I would like keys to be lighter/easier to touch/activate compared to membrane and really like the feel of laptop keys so perhaps brown switch would be the best for me, think red will be too easy to activate....

And if I find the keyboard to be too noisy, perhaps get some o-rings.....
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