Settings here:
Defo need to rollback Nvidia driver. When paused you lose the bottom half of the screen. Enabling vsync to on or half fixed it though but not sure the impact to the game or if it disables Gsync
Arthur seems like a good guy and that sucks because sometimes I just want to go in a saloon and shoot everybody. Or rob some strangers. Be a gangster, you know.
It just doesn't seem right.
Are there alternate endings based on your actions ingame?
They have spoken, updates imminent
This game needs two threads, one for those benchmarking 24/7 and one for screenshots and actual gameplay lol
You'd think with all that money they would manage to get it virtually all working soundly at launch with only minor bugs needing to be patched within the first couple of weeks. You wonder how the testing was carried out.
LOL @ man city quote !!!I guess it all depends on how decent the testing was and how decent the testers themselves were. As Man City, Mcdonalds and Game of Thrones writers department can attest to, throwing oodles of money at something doesnt guarantee the best results.
Done with this game for now, keeps crashing every 30min and middle of a long mission. Anyway to stop the crashes or is it a waiting game for rockstar to fix it?
Anybody had more than one horse? Or am I just being soppy with not wanting to get rid of my original horse...
2 crashes in 40 hours and always used Vulkan.
For a new horse as soon as possible from Valentine stables.
I don't know if its a random choice of what is available but it was free and much better than the starting horse.
Done with this game for now, keeps crashing every 30min and middle of a long mission. Anyway to stop the crashes or is it a waiting game for rockstar to fix it?
The first thing I did was ride up to Lake Isabella and catch the White Arabian (like Dutch's horse). Its a bit skittish but otherwise one of the best horses and used it for almost 50% of the game now. Just stable it if you fancy a change and come back to it later.
I think the stables have specific stock available per location, or at least partially.