Red Dead Redemption 2

Although the game has so many realistic elements have any of you noticed the train is not quite right? Steam trains do not blow out a constant stream of smoke like a factory chimney, as a train pulls away the smoke should come in puffs which also gives the classic sound and beat of a steam engine

Probably a lot about the steam trains that is inaccurate as **** to someone who knows a lot about them - couple of times I've built 3D models for various purposes of steam trains and don't understand/probably misused or placed wrongly a lot of stuff heh.
Think this latest patch has made my performance worse. I use to get 50-60 fps and now I get some in 40s. This is using hardware unboxed settings.
So where does the game save the graphics settings ini? Might back mine up before updating later.

Edit: quick google says here
Documents/Rockstar Games/Red Dead Redemption 2/settings/settings.xml
So where does the game save the graphics settings ini? Might back mine up before updating later.

They stored at C:\Users\*Your Computer Name*\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Settings and the file is called system.xml. So don't be looking for an INI file, since you be having a hard time finding one ! :p
The new patch reset my friggin’ graphics settings ffs.

Good job I saw your post.

Managed to save a copy of my profile before it had finished downloading.

However there is a percentage hit for me, only minor on the average but it's the lows. down from 44FPS to 22FPS....

Bit ****** of R* to not forewarn given the amount of effort put into getting them just right for a lot of people.

Edit: They have changed the map so you can't add a destination marker with the mouse. you need to use the wasd maker instead of just hitting return where the cursor is.
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Thank you :)
Well, I think you be taking that back. :( I just started the game, and my settings file was set to read only.. still all graphic settings was reset. So turned off, made it read, and same thing. Had it saved so deleted the one that got reset, and still no luck. Changed some settings and saved them, changes logged in the settings file, swapped them.. and it all got reset once again. Have no clue what R* been up to but you better save yours and if you have a second screen/note book, read from there as to what your previous settings was and change them in game. Hopefully that will work, just a tad hard to be reading the system.xml file, and pick what is what. Sorry ! :(

Edit: I think R* is going to get some heat from this, it strange that it hard reset all your settings when you starting the game, even if you have it read only or even changing to a saved system.xml file after the updated and you started the game. Although, I'm not a game developer, maybe that's how things works. :confused:
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Well, I think you be taking that back. :( I just started the game, and my settings file was set to read only.. still all graphic settings was reset. So turned off, made it read, and same thing. Had it saved so deleted the one that got reset, and still no luck. Changed some settings and saved them, changes logged in the settings file, swapped them.. and it all got reset once again. Have no clue what R* been up to but you better save yours and if you have a second screen/note book, read from there as to what your previous settings was and change them in game. Hopefully that will work, just a tad hard to be reading the system.xml file, and pick what is what. Sorry ! :(

I copy the whole Profile rather than individual settings,

C:\Users\****\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles

It includes all save games as well.

Edit: Restarted after the install and a few tweaks to some software I installed this morning, back to normal.

For anyone who's FPS has taken a hit there seems to be a new graphical option for tree tessellation, make sure that's off.
For some reason the new NV drivers won't let run HDR in UHD any more :mad:

Does anyone remember an old tool to turn on Nvidia output range?
I had been plagued with bad swirling and banding in the sky since launch. Following Part 2 of HU video I somehow set something that fixed it.
Can't believe I have to go through it again with this latest patch.
So where does the game save the graphics settings ini? Might back mine up before updating later.

Edit: quick google says here
Documents/Rockstar Games/Red Dead Redemption 2/settings/settings.xml

Actually, do as Strudders suggesting down below, seems to be a better way since the system.xml file don't seem to be the important one to keep hold of !

I copy the whole Profile rather than individual settings,

C:\Users\****\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles

It includes all save games as well.

Edit: Restarted after the install and a few tweaks to some software I installed this morning, back to normal.


Thanks for the heads up about the Profiles folder, only seen the reference to the system.xml file for settings and thought it was the important one (since reading it, it does seem to be where all changes one do to the settings goes). I be making a copy of the Profile folder next time I fixed the graphic settings again !
Mines running o.k after the patch, lots of graphix were reset set on low so put them mostly back to Ultra. Only problem so far is the map as already mentioned above, I cannot put a marker where I want and it keeps jumping somewhere else :confused:

I also still get the trees shaking and jerking in some areas as before, anyone else seeing this?
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