Red Dead Redemption 2

One thing I have noticed since the patch is that the edges of everything on my screen, objects and such, are very "grainy" , they werent like that before. I dont mean jagged edges like AA but bitty, or grainy. Just very rough looking
Patch seems to have vastly improved online FPS for me (story mode was and is still fine)

Tried a trainer last night to teleport around and have a look at areas I’ve yet to ride to which was a laugh but unfortunately the new patch seems to have messed up the trainers infinite stamina etc which doesn’t appear to work.

Love the slow pace (unless you start a fight!) the scenery is stunning, never known a game for just letting you go off and lose yourself.

Well worth persevering with, they will sort it out eventually (we all hope!)
Tried a trainer last night to teleport around and have a look at areas I’ve yet to ride to which was a laugh but unfortunately the new patch seems to have messed up the trainers infinite stamina etc which doesn’t appear to work.

Use Wemod, it auto updates, I'm using unlimited horse stamina so I can gallop non stop all over the map :p
Does anyone know how to walk in first person?? When you are in first person your character jogs rather than walks, you can prove this by being in 3rd person first , walking and then switching into first person and your character continues to walk but the moment you stop walking and then go to move forward again its changed back into a jog and doesnt seem to be any way to return to the slow walk without going into 3rd person and then back into first person whilst moving
One thing I have noticed since the patch is that the edges of everything on my screen, objects and such, are very "grainy" , they werent like that before. I dont mean jagged edges like AA but bitty, or grainy. Just very rough looking

Ditto. It completely reset my ALL my graphics options to defaults too which was incredibly annoying. Can't get it back looking and feeling as good as it did pre-patch :(
Ditto. It completely reset my ALL my graphics options to defaults too which was incredibly annoying. Can't get it back looking and feeling as good as it did pre-patch :(

Oh mine feels as good, if anything it actually runs better, its just this sort of grainy look around the edges. Most noticeable when I move the camera. However I have found that if I turn the Sharpening right down it goes away. Makes things look a little more blurry but I can deal with that as my eyes are blurry anyway :D
I am thinking of getting this game in a day or two. I have a 2070 Super/3700x. I will be playing on Lg Oled B8. It only supports 1080p/120hz and 4K/60hz. No 1440p, bugger! What res would you guys play on? Higher graphical settings at 1080p/120hz or lower graphical settings and 4K/60hz?
Start at 4k and turn down detail until you hit a reasonable fps. That is IF the 2070 can do 4k at a reasonable fps. Otherwise get a 1440p monitor.
Oh mine feels as good, if anything it actually runs better, its just this sort of grainy look around the edges. Most noticeable when I move the camera. However I have found that if I turn the Sharpening right down it goes away. Makes things look a little more blurry but I can deal with that as my eyes are blurry anyway :D

Think I've got it back to something like normality. I do hate it when games change all your graphics settings upon updating though.
I am thinking of getting this game in a day or two. I have a 2070 Super/3700x. I will be playing on Lg Oled B8. It only supports 1080p/120hz and 4K/60hz. No 1440p, bugger! What res would you guys play on? Higher graphical settings at 1080p/120hz or lower graphical settings and 4K/60hz?

4k 60 at 75 res scaling
Start at 4k and turn down detail until you hit a reasonable fps. That is IF the 2070 can do 4k at a reasonable fps. Otherwise get a 1440p monitor.

It can but I use 0.75 scaling so I can turn most settings to ultra, getting around 30-40fps which seems fine.
Adding -cpuLoadRebalancing to Rockstar launcher has fixed my lock ups and I've just played 90 minutes with everything on Ultra and it ran superb, taking into account I have a GTX1080 and an outdated
i5-4690K CPU running at stock 3.50GHz, it just shows how a G-sync monitor makes such a difference, just robbed the bank at Valentine and the ensuing chase was epic with top notch visuals, well impressed with this game
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