Red Dead Redemption 2

If they don't remove the ******* reCaptcha from their launcher this will be the last game I ever purchase from rock****. Half the time it doesn't work and won't let me log in to play the games that i paid for.
I'm really ****** off........................

**fully star out swearwords**
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finally managed to log in after fighting it for 10 minutes.
that's just ridiculous and I don't understand why it is needed when every other launcher can get away without that crap....
Performance is slightly improved since I played it a few weeks ago. I tried HDR which does work, the contrast is much better BUT the colours are washed out?

I can't select 444 - 10 bit or RGB 10bit full range. Using a 5 meter HDMI cable on a Samsung NU7400 TV.

Try 420 then click apply then 10bpc should be selectable. Don't forget to select game rather than cinematic HDR in the game settings. It was washed out for me at first but after messing around I did get it working. But for some reason I was losing about 5fps. So I turned it off.
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Performance is slightly improved since I played it a few weeks ago. I tried HDR which does work, the contrast is much better BUT the colours are washed out?

I can't select 444 - 10 bit or RGB 10bit full range. Using a 5 meter HDMI cable on a Samsung NU7400 TV.

I can get HDR sort of working using RGB and full range.
But if I change to real HDR 4:4:4\4:2:2 10\12 Bit I get limited in colour range

I'm using a NV card and it windows 10 not doing it's job.

MS said they will fix it, but when...
It's also annoying having to turn HDR on the desktop on, RDR2 and Forza 4 do this, games like Destiny 2 will auto switch to HDR and no need for it on the desktop and toggled in display settings.
finally managed to log in after fighting it for 10 minutes.
that's just ridiculous and I don't understand why it is needed when every other launcher can get away without that crap....

Mmm that is interesting as I have 3 R* accounts on the same launcher. If I launch a games from shortcuts, it will ask if I wish to swap accounts if I am logged in on another. If I click yes, it will switch without the need to login in and launch the game.

However it is really **** as I have 2 step authentication on and have to keep getting my iPad if I try to change accounts from within the launcher, which make 0 sense...
Does anyone know of a method I can use to increase the contrast? The graphics are nice and all, but a little washed out.
Had my first in game bug last night, digging up a collectable and my character decided to start walking off into the sunset and I couldn't stop him until I fell from a cliff.
so without trawling the thread trying to avoid any spoilers, do we know if there's a solid fix for the crashing bug on nvidia cards?

i tried the cpuloadrebalance thing on r*'s site but i'm still getting crashes in towns, sometimes it'll be fine for hours, sometimes it'll go in 5 minutes.

rest of the game is running fine and looking beautiful.

In my case I stopped using the latest driver and used 430.39 with -cpuLoadRebalancing added to the Rockstar launch argument box. I've played for several days on Ultra settings with no lock ups or anything.
I get occasional Nvidia driver out of date messages but I'm ignoring them as why take the risk when all is running perfectly. Try an earlier driver like i did
Limited is correct for tvs, full is for monitors is it not? Windows HDR is really confusing tbh.

Again. No.

When my TV goes in to game mode auto(yes it knows when I play a game) it becomes a UHD 120 Hz monitor.
This is not a cheap few £1,000 TV.

This game should auto turn on real HDR and not SDR HDR.
Had my first in game bug last night, digging up a collectable and my character decided to start walking off into the sunset and I couldn't stop him until I fell from a cliff.

PMSL :D:D pity you never recorded it with you shouting STOOOOOOOOP :D
Again. No.

When my TV goes in to game mode auto(yes it knows when I play a game) it becomes a UHD 120 Hz monitor.
This is not a cheap few £1,000 TV.

This game should auto turn on real HDR and not SDR HDR.

Rdr2 used to turn on HDR on its own, last couple of patches removed that so it has to be on in windows first. No idea why, but either way rockstar are rubbish at HDR. I had it working perfectly the other night after a few tweaks but I list around 5fps :(
Rdr2 used to turn on HDR on its own, last couple of patches removed that so it has to be on in windows first. No idea why, but either way rockstar are rubbish at HDR. I had it working perfectly the other night after a few tweaks but I list around 5fps :(

I am holding off playing more now till the HDR for UHD is fixed.
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